
I apologize, for I know this isn't a popular statement. I just feel the community is hypocritical in general.

Okay, say that is true. But what if he hadn't a past, good or bad? Would he have been given a pass for his first public transgression or would he have been cruxified without a trial?

A la twitter?

Always require sociopaths, in my opinion.

Why did the president only receive a frown? I'm not condemning or praising the situation, it just seems if it were someone else, the internet at large would be calling for his head on a platter.

Guys, know what's easiest? Keep compliments to yourself. There is a reason for "sensitivity training" and "harassment training", especially in a business environment. A woman is not at her job to look good, unless she's a model or something.

Rock on, man, rock on.

I never felt most of Batman's stories (even in the comics) were that great. That doesn't temper my enthusiasim over the games though. Once again, mechanics was awesome.

How does this app get around the flaky nature of disabling locking since Gingerbread?

Care to export that as an app?

Oh, so you weren't sarcastic and you are a complete moron. Well then, by all means carry on, Sir Idiot!


You are correct. Marketing > innovation and to the public who never heard of those innovating technology they clamor to tout Apple as FIRST.

Actually, they can do just about whatever they want, as long as the government doesn't find it illegal.

You seem pro-breastfeeding for older children. What about teenagers?

I'm waiting for some proof before I toss my hat into your ring. Please, enlighten us?

I dunno, Tony. Prototype1 and 2 are some of the only games I've ever bothered to play multiple times. Though I admit, it wasn't for the story, exactly.

Close enough.

I'm defending Corbett's specific comments, though. From what I read it seems he does his job well and knows how to be diplomatic. There are subtle politics going on behind the scenes that seem just as important as the game itself. But that's just my opinion.

Hehe, descented ferrets make me giggle for some reason.