
The right size and it won't matter, it'll feel like you're looking at something a little more distant.

I'm going to second augmented reality. Mobile phones are now starting to show what AR can be capable of but that still involves holding a phone up in front of you as you either stand to the side of life so you can view it or risk running into something because it's still you holding a phone while walking.

They are all porn I don't like to watch. I'm not slighting transgendered people. Don't take it any deeper than it really is because you'll just come off as an ignorant troll looking to pick a fight. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, Internet Freud.

Perhaps that would change if you wore those shoes? Just something to think about before you judge too hastily.

You can't wash it out, so my girlfriend at the time told me. She had two.

No, ferrets stink. That's why no one has one.

Kind of like an ex-girlfriend you still occassionally sleep with but immediately regret it post-hangover? Yeah, Gawker media is like that.

I can definitely see where you're coming from but warning, if you always go looking for boogeymen, you'll find them even when they don't exist.

I watch Elementary, too. I like it almost as much as Sherlock. Also, it has a male Holmes but Lucy Liu is Dr. Watson and she does a stellar job at the role. Check it out, if you can.

So, dude-bros co-opted gaming and he's upset about it. K, I understand that. Just like "geek" status has been co-opted by anyone who can use a web browser. But being angry indie guy is going to be co-opted here shortly and then what?

Unsee doesn't automatically equate to transgenderphobia or hatred off. In no way did the comment imply transgendered people were bad or should be ashamed of themselves.

Illinois is fucked up in general.

I understand what you're saying and please don't take me as hostile.

If true, I'll add Austin to my list of "cities that qualify as my nemesis". You know what list, KC. /shakes fist angrily

That's what I did. Netflix'd every episode back to back while on the treadmill and suddenly it ends.. and I started jonesing for it.

I'll go with my RCA Lyra jukebox from the mid 2000's. It essentially is a 40GB external hard drive that plays MP3s. The battery does not hold a charge, at all. Requires the AC adapter to even turn on.

You aren't alone.

The one thing I've hated about Linux for a long time is video playback, repeating videos, and getting 5.1 sound to work without requiring two hours of updating and rolling back packages. Even Mint caused me issues from the very beginning. lol good times.

Well, that depends on the distribution, doesn't it.. Some strains of Linux are more "RTFA" than others.
