
MedLab, take to the new kinja platform (that you can find just about everywhere Gawker related except Gizmodo) and blog about it. Sure, why should you do for free what they are getting paid to do, but at least you can grow your comment and really educate others.

Personally, I would pay more for my product if it were completely American based, and not just because of some perverse nationalistic reasons. But I'm rarer than your average consumer.

France got Quebec. That's not too much to be proud of, either. ;)

So, seeing something that is a personal turnoff means you need to get over yourself? Or are you just over-sensitive about the transgenred part? Or would you say the same thing if someone said the same thing but about scat or snuff porn? I bet you'd say "I didn't need to see that", just as emostorm did.

Is it poor decision making skills on his part or ignorance on our parts? Why must we be silent and sterile 24/7 because someone, somewhere, might get outraged over what we say - even if that isn't our intentions? It rankles me, actually.

Indeed. Now I'm pouting because no new season, yet.

Actually, while you're calling for blood it may simply be Orth was trolling Heir. I'd hate it if whatever company you work for fired you because you posted a comment calling for Orth's job. And before you call it ridiculous, Facebook pages have been established to demolish people for less.

You accuse others of looking really stupid yet you continue to tilt at windmills. Are you convinced your opinion is the correct one or are you simply refusing to view things "from the other side" because your feelings are being challenged by others?

I've noticed a lot of casual to Bro gamers are on the Xbox. Makes sense.

My previous response to a different commentor:

Just a small opinion, but I'll share it. I played Dishonored and my objective was Clean Hands - not killing a single enemy and finishing the game.

This illustrates the difficulty of the internet and an always on-line presence. If you work for Company X, you cannot, under any circumstances, say anything off-balance because someone will copy and paste the best parts, post it , and then accuse you of speaking publically or hinting that it is the opinion of Company

TechnoBuffalo is running an update that Adam was just "trolling" Manveer.

In Jezebel's defense, a lot of Republicans say really stupid shit in regards to contraceptives and abortion in general. While they may not be as bad as Jezeies make them out to be, it still is pretty stupid of them to try to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies.

This is definitely a good thing. I just hope it doesn't languish in appeals court for a decade.

You aren't alone in noticing. You'll receive comments on how this is an Apples to Oranges comparison and then be educated as to why you're stupid for bringing it up.

No, at an ATM. A lot of ATMs wouldn't dispense change, only currency in certain demoninations. Like you could only get out increments of $5, $10, or $20. So you could deposit your check at an ATM and only retrieve the even portions allowed by said ATM. Some banks are just now allowing odd amounts of money to be

No, they didn't even compose a "new approach". It was marketing, alright? Marketing. Pay attention. The devices existed but they didn't appeal to the general population who tends to be technologically phobic in general. Apple made it "beautiful" and coached them into buying the phone by illustrating how similar it was

That's essentially what I said, yes. To the US, the war is history, even if it never officially ended.

No, they didn't invent anything other than marketing. We all know smartphones existed pre-iPhone. Touch screens existed before the iPhone. Their technology was not new.