
The kid in class who wants attention can still attempt to poison the teacher or even bring a firearm to school and open up on others. For attention. Or have you forgotten that with your analogies?

The Korean war. For them, it never ended.

So, you're agreeing with Ninety-9 that the iPhone is no longer "new", since it hasn't changed significantly in recent years. Yet you want to give them a "pass" and call them "new" because of something they did six years ago. Hm.

KMFA; BoA is just now allowing *cashing* checks down to the last cent? Talk about behind.

You can get cash over the counter with an actual teller. You can also get cash back at certain stores after a debit/credit transaction.

BoA is just now allowing depositing checks down to the last cent? Talk about behind.

Have an extra Martini, while you're at it. You're done for the day.

Dear Microsoft. I am lending my voice to my fellow gamers. I've been a primary Xbox gamer for close to a decade. Though I do own the Ps2, 3, and the Wii, plus being a PC gamer, I always boot up my Xbox and play online with my friends. I pay for your gold services and stridently defend Xbox Live to the unwashed

I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thank you for the tip! I also assume my problem with silence might be the voices.

And you can oligobble down their balls? /hehe

Silence bugs me, a lot. Maybe it's the faint tinnitus I have, but I need some low background level of noise. Not chatter, mind you. I, too, use headphones to drown that out. But music or a fan is necessary for me.

They'll be sued for using a "store" that is a roughly a rounded rectangle.

+ 100

And don't forget, penises! They are used to rape people! They should be banned, too.

Was it how you asked? I fully expect the majority of my comments to be deleted on Jezebel but it doesn't stop me from asking. But I'm definitely not trying to be inflammatory.

Thank you.

See, that's my problem. I'm so damned priviledged and white I never bothered to think a person as "tainted" if they had a drop or not. I'm just clinically curious as to the behavior.

I'm just ignorant, victim of priviledge, but I never see anyone bi-racial identify as being white, they always indentify with being black.

Hm. I like Urban Dictionary's definition of racism vs prejudiceness:

Don't worry, Chinese workers are slowing gaining better living conditions. When that happens we'll undercut them as a nation and move to India and Brazil. Which may be within a decade.