
Like notification drawers, amIrite?

The sins are these reviews, anymore. blech.

In the case of CinemaSins, I'd rather they not get the page views and the site dies a horrible death.

You definitely echo my feelings, yes.

Indeed. That is why I said airlines traditionally charged a flat rate so they couldn't be called out as being discriminatory. But humanity's collective memory is very short and Samoa Air feels like it is doing something new when airlines would have been doing this for decades if it weren't for potential backlash.

And also led to drastic reforms in air pollution. Too bad it took thousands of people to die before something was done about it.

Does the Kobold have a stick with a scorpion on the end?

Well, wow. I didn't know this was actually a thing. I find myself educated and at the same time still totally apathetic towards the ideas expressed by Morozov. That doesn't happen often.

In regards to point b, I can understand having to do it because the recipients expect it, but in the same vein as what I said earlier, that says a lot about them, as well. That's my cynicism showing.

You rock. Yes, you do.

I'm way too cynical for that. But I do thank you for sharing.

Sadly, yes. I've known a few people who either dislike listening to music, found it too boring to be interesting, or were almost hostile about it. That's why I haz a sad for them.


Why is it all about the white shadow with you? Huh?

I dare say thank you notes have little to do with thanking the recipients and more to do with inflating the sender's ego. Nothing personal, mind you. Just the vibe I get from most "thank you" note sending people.

I wonder how many massacres would happen on Mars before the martian dust settled. It would literally be the wild west, but worse. No Marshals from planet Earth to come to the rescue.

In the interest of preventing being called "discriminatory", people are usually charged a flat rate to avoid this kind of debate.

Not to me, Dick. While they may be synonymous to you, they aren't with me. That doesn't make you wrong, it is just how I treat them.

I have no problem believing in these studies as I self medicate with music. If I want to feel a certain way all I have to do is play the music that inspires it and voila, it is accomplished.

It is amusing what the comments have brought out in people: