Even though Doocy might be number 1 on Fox, he’ll always be a number 2 in my heart.
Even though Doocy might be number 1 on Fox, he’ll always be a number 2 in my heart.
Odds that Trump gets confused and angry about all of her “tear down these walls” talk?
If I start a Gofundme, will you people send me on this.
I promise I will punch Bill in the face on a live stream and do my best to evade capture till I’m thrown off the boat.
“There is no source. The person doesn’t exist. The person’s not alive. It’s bullshit, OK? It’s bullshit.”
I am unsure whether to congratulate or curse you for this turn of phrase.
I can’t believe Trump actually pardoned a Black man.
The purity caucus had less impact on this election than on the previous one. Yes, it was dumb. But it wasn’t some huge group, and it wasn’t abnormal. Remember the PUMAS? They got about the same coverage as “Bernie Bros” and arguably had a bigger impact.
Democrats are like the nerd that keeps offering to do the cheerleader’s homework. She’s not going with you to the prom.
Wait a minute...
The “far left” didn’t sink any candidate. The EC fucked us. Clinton’s poor campaigning fucked us. But it wasn’t the fault of the “far left”.
They should! I see countless people screeching that she’s “revising history”. The reality is more complicated. The most common narrative of the Yishuv era, pre-state Israel, is hopelessly distorted by decades of nationalism in Israel. It’s been revised into a foundation myth that focuses exclusively on Jewish…
Teva can eat a bag of dicks.
Won't somebody PLEASE think of the deplorable men?!1!
Oh fuck the hell off. There is nothing whatsoever redeemable about this piece of shit.
He’s literally every super annoying kid you knew in middle school.
Lol, seeing Mr. “DEBATE ME YOU COWARD” turn tail and run in the face of moderate pushback from a calm interviewer is priceless.