are you saying there is a whole nother hemisphere to have wars in. Murica has been missing out...
The right is when it comes down to it largely a single issue party thees days. Apart from all the other grotesque issues they are peddling there is always the litmus test of abortion rights. So unless he comes out against those; He is going to takes more votes from the democrats then the republicans.
This is clearly the best part of this story. Whenever i now now encounter a right winger on the internet telling me something about how single payer is inferior or won’t work etc etc. This one trip by Rand Paul is a slam dunk in the conversation.
I was under the impression we were living in the timeline where Fredo is president. Hence the comments of: “I’m like a smart person”, “very stable genius” and “like, really smart” and the constant need for praise and approval; ‘Great reviews’ of my amazing performance, biggest ever inauguration audience etc.
No, never gonna get it
Never ever gonna get it (no, not this time)
No, you’re never gonna get it
Never ever gonna get it
I’m driving a Sienna. So I’m just a temporarily embarrassed billionaire by one letter.
Checking the polls would be fine. -It would be a form of democracy, maybe not the one intended in the constitution, but still. The problem occurs when thy are first checking the polls and then correcting the policy for after input from big donors.
How can every day involve something that could have been the biggest scandal in any previous presidency? And when (if?) we finally see the end of this can we ever get back to normal again ore are we now doomed to be living in world where the genie is out of the bottle and politics is forever turned to a never ending…
The administration is clearly pushing its agencies to say that the shutdown is not detrimental for them. It has now got to the point where the TSA is arguing: ”this incident wasn’t indicative of employees skimping on the security while waiting for their paychecks “. or in other words: This had nothing to do with the…
for anyone wishing to read more of racist quotes from King: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/ez8a44/a-short-history-of-congressman-steve-king-saying-racist-shit
This administration has never before shown any interest in the idea of presenting facts. This gives me the creeps. what are they up to? Are they planing to declare an national emergency and therefore cant state any untruths since this would be obvious legal challenges?
Your arguments are spot on. The one i don’t hear mentioned very often is the psychological one. As an former educator I find it very disturbing to to consider the idea of starting every morning with picking up a gun and thinking that this might be the day i have to kill one of my students. I could therefor never be…
i definitely only go minutes between my “ Fuck him” moments...
oh....fuck! we are going to end up with Joe Manchin, aren’t we?
I think this is a great board. In fact i am currently on my second one. The edge does not interfere with the knife ( I usually work with a 10-inch blade) and the spikes are only on one side of the reversible board. Spikes are also very useful for hot an slippery pieces of meat and are commonly found on all classic…
I think this is a great board. In fact i am currently on my second one. The edge does not interfere with the knife (…
... where Nobby went wrong was thinking small. He sidled into places and pinched things that weren’t worth much. If only he’d sidled into continents and stolen entire cities, slaughtering many of the inhabitants in the process, he’d have been a pillar of the community.