

How high are you right now? 

They’re drunk glasses, not marijuana glasses. They literally say DRUNK on the fucking headband. This guy and Fox in general are fucking idiots.

Anyone who claims to be transgendered is immediately considered such

How are they doing that? I don’t see any evidence that this is a problem, aside from a vanishingly small number of extremely rare cases.

Maybe with Pence the “F” stands for Fascist?

Warren’s calling it like it is. I like it. I don’t know why she’s not the clear front-runner right now—besides the obvious reason that she’s a woman with the experience and vision to do a good job—but she absolutely should be. I’m still willing to be swayed during this primary, but I like Warren. I think she’d do a

The medical neglect and abuse that our jails heap on inmates - especially the mentally ill - is unconscionable. I don’t know about Broward County, EFF-ELL-AY, but here in California a lot of counties outsource their medical malpractice to private for-profit contractors like California Forensic Medical Group.

And yet your stated concern was for “thousands and thousands and thousands” of other people. Who all came in 2nd, I take it.

So to you, it’s fairer to have Semenya take medication to slow herself down so that the women who are not as good as her can benefit, or to have her run in what would be a third category made up of—how many people?

an unfair advantage in that area which makes this person not even really fit the biological definition of female

Don’t clutch your pearls too tightly. It isn’t like the old white male demographic is suffering at the hands of the merciless youth. If anything, it is gently punching up.

but do you fuck riding cows?

i don’t read this as much pro-Maduro as Anti-Bolton.

It seems like Oliver North will be looking for a new job and this is a perfect opportunity for him....

*Checks notes*

“Taxes kill,” said Jones, 27. While she’s eager to improve her family’s health coverage, she sees “some merit” to checking Democrats from pushing toward universal health care because “it would just drive up taxes.”

The fact that you find “fat” and “old” as defining characteristics for this character speaks volumes and underscores my point.

Still love how Michelle Wolf salted the ashes of this shitshow. Now it’s just a complete shambles, although the only downside is Trump probably thinks he’s responsible.