Please do not “Rolling-Stone-A- Rape-on-Campus” this, Buzzfeed.
Please do not “Rolling-Stone-A- Rape-on-Campus” this, Buzzfeed.
What’s killing me is that it’s even worse than that.
What the president thinks of as “negotiation” is what the rest of the world, correctly, refers to as “ultimatums.”
The guy from NYC lamenting about the cleanliness of streets in San Francisco is amazing.
“I want to burn your house down.”
I for one wouldn’t mind the National Emergency to enact gun control, the National Emergency to expand Medicare for All, and the National Emergency to get rid of corporate and foreign money in elections.
He knew the “national emergency” would get shot down in court immediately (and open the doors to Democrats trying the same later), it was just a bluff.
So he agrees to temporarily give back what he took away in the first place (and which the courts have already ruled against), if he gets everything he ever asked for?
I’ll just leave it for posterity. Hopefully it inspires the next generation of bad spellers to go for their dreams and remember to help each other out.
Thank you! I am the worst speller I have ever met. Believe it or not, I proofread these a billion times before I publish and still mess up.
So, a permanent wall in exchange for a temporary reprieve on some immigration concerns?
He removed DACA and TPS and now his negotiation tactic is to simply put things back the way they were? He will have gotten exactly what he wanted and the left will be where they were when this shitbag started this crap.
Private prisons are the proof that the United States is already a dystopian hell hole.
He has mortgaged his home and maxed out his credit cards trying to solve these cases.
“Hogan Gidley” sounds like the name of the stuck-up prep school guy in an 80's teen comedy.
I love how easily Republicans fall back on the “Michael Cohen’s a liar” defense, blatantly ignoring that he worked for President Liar McDumbFace for 12 YEARS.
Also ignoring that Trump is on video contradicting himself on the daily.
Hey to that one Kinja Trump defender who’s waiting for Liz Warren to do something stupid…
If Michael Cohen lied to Congress about such an important matter and it was against Trump’s wishes then why didn’t Trump immediately correct the record?