
As much as a bombshell as this can be, where’s the corroboration? Reading the report, it sounds like this came from Cohen himself. He’s got no reason now to lie about this, but to nail Trump any good prosecutor will want a second source. Is there a recording, email confirming it, or another witness in the room who can

Unfortunately for us, Nixon didn't have the Republicans in his pocket anymore at that point and I have no faith our Republicans will turn on him. 

The whole family is Monty Python’s version of the Corleones.

Sweet. I look forward to a bug-eyed Rudy hitting the daytime talk circuit to scream about how lying to Congress isn’t a crime and directing someone else to lie to Congress isn’t obstruction and anyway he never claimed there weren’t crimes committed so some people committed some crimes so what we all commit crimes now

Expect more shutdown-related antics to try to distract people from this news. It’ll be fun seeing how the GOP tries to cover for this. They’ll probably say they’re too bust with the shutdown to comment and wait for it fade into the background.

May I hazard a Rudy response?:

Nixon’s first move toward impeachment was for directing others to lie for him.

The GOP call for civility should be coming...any...minute...nooooow.....

It’d actually be more since healthcare costs rise about 5-6% each year.

So Medicare-for-all is $5 trillion cheaper than our current system over 10 years, AND it covers everybody with no extra costs. Seems like a sure-fire winner here.

Just look at the guy’s response. Using a Koch-funded study showing it would cost an average of $3.26 trillion a year...which was less than Americans spent on healthcare in 2017. And would result in no copays or out of pocket expenses. And doesn’t even take into account likely decreases in costs. 

1) Yes, I’m not going to take a Koch-funded “study” seriously.

Ummm you’d pay for it with taxes. It would reduce the amount of money people spend on health insurance right now...

Politicians being given hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations, and becoming very wealthy off of the stock from insurance and healthcare companies are suddenly reversing their opinions now that election season is over!?

It is always nice when politicians ask to be primaried. And given her district is the SF peninsula outside the city, it might be pretty easy to AOC her.

It’s disgusting the level of naked racism in right-wing media. Ilhan Omar is getting attacked left and right by every would-be goose-stepper today. Every right wing pundit, including a few who aren’t universally awful, have peddled the “homophobia” smear despite it being a clear lie.

very great piece, but I do think there is much more of it, he’s an opportunist and has been at the forefront of taking advantage of 2 years of complete R control of the government, but he knows how to read the room and use it to his advantage

He is a parasite. He leeches off whoever he thinks will do the most for him.

Everyone yesterday: That’s a savvy political move by Pelosi, but she risks being seen as petty.

OMG you guys you don’t think this shit can get any better but it does.