
On the one hand, I’m of course very annoyed that this kind of article has to exist.

On the other hand, I’m glad that Lifehacker took some kind of stand on a reprehensible action taken by the US federal government.

On the gripping hand, these releases started occurring three weeks ago. Help now is better than help never

GTFO Tomato

Not kidnap their children and forget to keep records of the cages in which they were keeping them.  

Not teargas them when they try to legally seek asylum.

I just recently heard about “soaking”.

You can only have your marriage analed if you haven’t consummated it. 

Yeah but what about anal?

The application asks potential employees to explain their view of the “creation/evolution debate.”

Oh my god... she WORKS??!

God I hate the whole Iowa thing. Can we drop that shit already? It’s archaic and dumb. The Steve King state has done nothing to deserve this attention.

Hillary being investigated by FBI = she is crooked

Trump being investigated by FBI = they are crooked

Let’s get this straight.

Eh pass. I’ll take the local place’s ramen any day over McDonalds.

I thought I remember that simply protesting outside someone’s home was egregious and showed how uncivil today’s partisans are and those enganging in it are dangerous and should be jailed  

Nah, fuck ‘em.

So, this came to light because of his lawsuit... Can you sue a guy to pay for surgery when you have top-notch health insurance that would cover such surgery? 

I live about a half-hour away from the clinic in Ontario Rand is attending. I’m considering setting up a ‘Go Fund Me’ page to wait outside the clinic and kick Rand Paul in the back the day of his surgery. Please let me know if you are interested in contributing and God Bless America!

Hmm, I thought we had the most expensive health care system in the world because we have the best healthcare system in the world. Why is Paul leaving the country for hernia surgery when we get the best care right here in the U.S.? 

Whenever a conservative puts up stories about Canadians coming to the U.S. for healthcare, counter them by mentioning Rand Paul and asking, “if the United States has the best healthcare, then why did Rand Paul go to a hospital in Soviet Canukastan?”.

Think he got that hernia from pulling them bootstraps too hard?