
Good on you, sir. One step at a time.

I would, if I could, downvote you for only the reason that having to deal with the authorities (if you live in a place where marijuana is illegal) is one more issue that depressed people really don't need. It's hard enough already just to make it through the day. So, medically, you may be right. But, man, one more

I am so glad that people that really need help with their depression are able to get that help much more easily these days. Only 15 years ago, it was very, very hard to find help as most of the scarce money for depression was for those dangerous to themselves or others. Oddly, after trying to get treated for at least

Sweet. So, these would be, what, 24" wood coasters?

Being a "hero" doesn't get you much, either. Damn little, actually. Vietnam vet here (and not a hero).

Agreed. The batters are hands-down worse than the pitchers. I understand the "routine", like in golf, of getting one's focus, etc., but it's BASEBALL, not golf. We don't need no stinkin' timers. If a person doesn't like the pace of the game, then they should go do something else cuz they ain't baseball fans. I also

Nearly all American cars designers rarely seem to care about the ass-end of their cars. And it drives me bonkers! Generally, the best thing you can say about our American car rear ends is that they are usually receding from you at speed. Gah! Can't think of one American name brand that is free from the "nice car but

Agreed, but it didn't help that it rained yesterday so much of that stuff froze last night, too. In the Western Fairfax suburbs, the roads were often quite icy. Lovely stuff!

Anything with the word "Soul" in it. I just can't even believe that one.

I assume the Army finally completed the burning of all the chemical weapons that were at the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility just down the road. Might be a bit disconcerting if one of the inmates dug up one of those Sarin cannisters in his (or her) escape attempt.

Once, in about 1995, we had a mice family in our house. One, the dad, we think, climbed into my old Land's End cloth bag and apparently hitched a ride to my mid-90's Mountaineer. As I got out of the car at work, I felt something run across my foot. About a month, later, in May, my car started to stink. It had crawled

There's a PHOBIA called Amaxophobia for that: Fear of Being a Passenger. I know because my wife has a very bad case of it, unless she is driving. It can become debilitating. I used to also just not like being a passenger until, while riding in a taxi in Bangkok, decided that if I was gonna die in a car, it surely

For which there is even a "GTFO" Add-On now that sounds LOUD NOISES (claxons, etc.) when one IS standing in the fire, which I , of course, quite needed. (And sometimes still do.) Then again, I (sort of) have an excuse — tunnel vision, to a fine point! Once at Dark Moon Faire, I was shooting the guy at the targets and

Well sure, but

Here is a reply from one Virginian to all the people who think they need to travel over 80+ on 65 mph roads and have stated below that they will never travel to or thru Virginia: "SEE YA!!" Bah-ha-ha!

There was a picture included in that reply. /sigh. This one: (if it works this time):

Never let the truth interfere with a good story.

Absolutely. Once I visited a "lion house" at the Louisville zoo, during feeding time, I think it was. All of a sudden, about 5 or 6, (or perhaps 6000) lions lets loose for about 5 minutes, just like you said. My bones were just shaking uncontrollably. Unbelievable. I was in awe and not a little afraid, even though

Well, "everybody Knows" that gorillas are all bluff and noise. (Not that I'd get in one's way) "Male gorillas do sometimes fight over territory or mates. But gorillas are mainly gentle animals that need companionship and attention. They are actually rather shy. A gorilla will not hurt a human being unless it is