Agreed, it was too late. A friend of my parents had a little Corvair convertible that I liked very much.
Agreed, it was too late. A friend of my parents had a little Corvair convertible that I liked very much.
Well, that and a little thing called "Unsafe at Any Speed" (… , since the formatting option for links thingy in my browser does not seem to be working)
Trying to gets the benefits of real meditation without actually doing any meditation is like holding a balloon under water. Works great until you let go.
Now, included in the price of the game is one level 90 character. Professions on the new acct are at level 1 but you can level from level 1 now in Warlords in Draenor (so you don't have to go back to the original content to level your profession, if you don't want to.) Not sure whether flying is included in the price.…
Agreed. However, much of your ideas would lead (awesomely), if there were many folk in the air doing air or even ground-mounted combat, that would probably lead to server crashes, like in the old WoW city raids
Well, if you live on the East Coast of America, taking the train is great. We did a round-trip from DC to Boston. (Get your tickets as far ahead as possible for the best prices.) It took eight hours from downtown DC to downtown Boston. If you flew, you would take 1+ hours to get to the airport, 2 hours early, then a 2…