
Weird that the Daily Mail didn't do proper investigative research before publishing their tiresome drivel. So unlike them.

erm..., it looks like my current iphone 5?

Oh look, all my music is in the cloud. I can just log in to iCloud on this lonely computer and stream my musi....oh wait. Well if I can't do that. Let's all look at my photo libra.....Oh wait. ok, lets just look at some email and some contacts.

My windows pc just cras..

iCloud, about as fucking useful as a chocolate tea pot.

I couldn't understand anything anyone was saying.


good point. don't make it right though.

Wankers! It's not enough they sell our information to everyone, but they have to put up wanky ads as well. Twats.

You need to get out more.

I thought this was illegal? didn't they get sued?

FACT! Curry always tastes better the next day.

Remember the crop circles that appeared in corn fields in the UK in the 90s? That was a great hoax.

The GIF on the front page is a bit tasteless. It's graphic and should come with a warning.

0.59 I wouldn't suggest walking in the road looking down at your phone. But that's just me.

I bet she lives on the Upper East Side.

I love Jeff Wall.

This is when I stopped reading 'But it still manages to be the best summer action movie since Independence Day.'