For crying out loud, go here, pay $30 for 3 months and go to BBC iPlayer. get a HDMI cable. Done.
For crying out loud, go here, pay $30 for 3 months and go to BBC iPlayer. get a HDMI cable. Done.
I was excepting screams.
This is nothing short of utterly amazing.
The 9th photo is the Jimmy down in Soho. Even I drink there.....not that exclusive.
Small world, I'm also in Times Sq, 7th and 42nd St
Do you reckon they could turn on 3G in New York / Brooklyn?
Never have. I always used Soulseek like a naughty boy. But now I hardly use that. (for fear of being caught)
1.03 onwards are the exact motions my face goes through while pushing out a large one on the toilet.
Is there a way to make my brain shut the fu*k up when I go to bed?
I just liked that way you described it as Rap Music. Even though, technically, it is. Does anyone still listen to the Dave Matthews band? I'm just being a douche. Ignore me.
Hahaha, 'Rap Music' Hahahaha, Dave Matthews.
Awwwwwww YEAH! 132GB for me!
Zuckerberg must be shitting himself with all this publicity. I mean, he must hate it.
I can imagine the party now. 'Hey everyone, we're going to have everybody contribute to the music playlist tonight so grab your phones and send your music to my new Nexus Q'
I wish that USB port would let me plug in an External Hard drive.
Try taking this to the Airport.
Who ate all the Pies? Who ate all the Pies? These Fat Bastards, These Fat Bastards. They ate all the Pies!
I will resist updating my iOS to 6 if it isn't supported.
Are you sure you want to Format c:/iBrain? This action can not be undone.