going well?
going well?
Google Maps isn't broken. (sure if could do with a couple of improvements) but I see no need to switch to Apple Maps.
Thank god, this was really upsetting me
I use 1Channel with a hacked atv2 and xbmc. I have literally, an unlimited amount of films / shows to choose from.
The Tank man shot. That is one hell of a crop. Was this image taken on a Large Format camera, because from here it looks like cropping something of that magnitude to the size we are all used to would have a detrimental affect on the final quality of the image we all see today. And it doesn't look too bad
The man who stole Rock n Roll and sold it to white people.
I tell you what else sucks in iTunes. Genius. How the hell does Smokey Robinson and the Miracles sound or have anything to do with MF doom?
So I can't have an opinion on it's cumbersome and cluttered layout? The fact that I pay for the service means I am not allowed to give any user feedback on the way it looks and performs?
I want one of these for my D700. I don't think they exist though
ditto, it's a terrible app
I've been here 5 years and my American accent sucks. Unless I'm imitating someone.
I've been here 5 years and my American accent sucks. Unless I'm imitating someone.
it will take a lot to prize me away from Google Maps. It's the one thing I really rely on and it ain't broke and I don't need to try fix it.
Saweet. Ordering one now. Anyone want to buy an Airport Express?
Can I stick an external hard drive in to that USB?
I want to know if they've corrected the problem for Expats. As a Brit living in the USA, Siri can't understand a fucking word I say. If I switch to English UK however, it works to the point of understanding me better, but won't do a local search in NYC because it's not switched to the native language.
Someone told me there's only 3000 of these left on the entire planet.
Going out on a limb, but I believe the woman's version of events
'But if Apple loosens up and plays nice with other popular providers, its devices will only be more attractive'
Twenty Bucks? Twenty shitty bucks? At least make it worth people's time