
“Like if he didn’t do anything, this is just next level scum behaviour unless there was something really wild as in her somehow forcing her to a bloodpact to never reveal where she left to.”

Amateur internet sleuths can be the fucking worst. 

She actually lives in Mexico now, so doing all this is even dumber. 

She is just Roseann 2.0. This has been a long time coming.

She’s been though a lot and probably needs to talk to someone instead of airing every thought online. At this point she is her own worst enemy. 

Because she has the morality of a child. Many other people have been sexually abused, raped, and treated poorly afterwards, and we don’t campaign for fascists.

I’m not a psychologist, and I’ve never met Rose McGowan, so this is a super useful take, but:  I wonder if she learned to process her trauma by attacking Weinstein, and now that he’s in jail and has no career, she doesn’t have any way to process her trauma any more, hence her lashing out at anyone with even the most

That’s nice, but it really doesn’t carry any water with me.

God, this. I worked at a women’s nonprofit a few years ago that was putting together a panel about the post-#MeToo landscape in the entertainment and farmworkers industries (those industries were paired together a lot by Times Up organizers in the early days), and a couple of the organizers suggested getting Rose on

What exactly was Malia Obama “in on”, Rose?

Clearly a very troubled woman - other than that, I don’t understand her support of a party tied to the assaulter in chief (former).

“Do I agree with [Elder] on every issue? No. So what?”

where she worked before the allegations emerged, McGowan said: “They’re all in on it.”

Yeah, I feel like I truly do believe Rose was hurt and experienced harassment and attacks and I feel bad about that while also simultaneously thinking she’s kind of an attention-whoring terrible person. 

Rose McGowan, once a leading voice for the film industry’s MeToo movement, disavowed Hollywood and the Democratic Party on Sunday night during a stump speech for Larry Elder, a Republican frontrunner in an election to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

I wanted to respect her journey with assault, abuse, and mental health, but I had to stop following her on social media last year or so. I have a really hard time understanding her point of view when she seems to just want to be oppositional to everything and then claim the Big Conspiracy Against Her for when she gets

She’s hurt so she’s going to make sure everyone else does too.

Exactly. For example, she may end up having a kid with her sleazy boyfriend, and maybe that won’t be the best decision, but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t be in charge of her own reproductive health. 

Agreed. Britney posts really weird content on her Instagram that strongly suggests she has mental health issues that will most likely continue once she’s “free”. I get bad vibes from her boyfriend, and I think she will continue to live a stunted life once she’s free from her conservatorship. The point as I understand

People who get famous at a young age tend to turn out pretty weird. Feels like Britney had that leveraged against her via the conservatorship, which was unfortunate.