
Maybe because someone else’s body is none of your business?

Try complementing someone’s style choices. You aren’t commenting on their body (which for some, people don’t have a lot of control over) you are commenting on someone’s choices and actions. Or don’t say anything.

It isn’t necessarily a positive, and if it isn’t it’s probably for very sensitive reasons. Bodies are personal, so honestly, consider the possibility that saying nothing is perfectly fine!

I remember back when Steffi Graf was in her late teens/early 20s, the German press used to regularly angst that she was going to get a boyfriend soon and lose her virginity and therefore her magical tennis powers. I never saw a single similar article about Boris Becker losing his talent along with his virginity, of

I just hope this brings scrutiny into our nation’s conservatorship laws so this can never happen again. Love Britney! I hope she is happy from now on!

why in the world is she unloading on this innocent guy?! it’s the media that suggested it was aaron, he’s not going around impersonating him, is he? what a stupid and terrible girl.

And she was doing so by insulting some dude who was just buying coffee in the morning. So that shows what kind of person she is. The car comment could also be an elitist comment, or just that Rogers only drives a certain type of car. I choose to believe it’s elitist.

I know I can stop listening to people as soon as they start ranting about ‘the media’ for whatever their stupid problem is.

Definitely a potent combination, but I’d put the higher stupidity potential somewhere in the realm of Evangelicals who have been convinced by YouTube prophets that Donald Trump is some kind of foretold “chosen one,” or possibly Qanon couples. So, as categories, I guess I’m saying Evangelical/Evangelical and

I guess if this isn’t Rodgers, this guy rando innocent guy, just out getting coffee humanly with a mask, will need to suffer small feet/small dick jokes from friends and family for the rest of his life. Thanks, Shailene!

His o-line should “do their own research” about effective means of protecting the QB.

Or just step aside and let the offense through, claiming their bodily autonomy.

i had a bar regular who would, when people started making weird big dick innuendo, tell his favorite joke:

agree.  it’s really about his really dumb decisions made from a position of privilege while the rest of the world burns with misinformation and disease.

She eats clay because she thinks it’s a good idea and also thought it was a good idea to say that she eats clay out loud to other human beings.

I knew she was kinda weird and dumb, but now I know she’s a complete dipshit asshole! Thanks, Shailene!

She could be quiet and wait for everything to blow over or she can draw even more attention to him (and her) by posting about his body on IG.

Re: your last sentence

In most of Western Europe:

Don’t forget his connections to the Aspen Institute as well just like David Brooks!