
There will be thousands of articles, books, opinion pieces, video about America and covid19 written and filmed for decades to come . And no one will ever really comprehend how and why there were actually millions of stupid, ignorant people in this first world country that refused to take the steps to save themselves

Just remember that we live in a country where enough people would rather die than be told by the government to put on a mask and get vaccinated.

Shelter Catstravaganza!

I was kicked out of the Christian school I attended and was lectured by my pastor after being raped at 15. My rapist went to the same school and they allowed him to finish his senior year via correspondence classes so he could graduate with his class through the school. I wasn’t offered any such opportunity. The

Evangelical “purity” culture is nothing more than codifying abusive practices into a cohesive dogma, packaging that dogma as religious and then marketing it as as a righteous necessity. I say this as an ex-evangelical raised in an abusive home. Its core is rotten, because it’s fundamentally built on abusive practices

I grew up in the sort of environment that the author describes for Christy - devout evangelical... but not so far as to appear visibly off the deep end. I have vivid memories of things that I was told in youth group about sex, such as that we girls should be careful not to arouse boys (even brushing up against their

I saw the results of purity culture firsthand about 8 years ago when I was on Tinder and the dating scene after years in a long term, consensual fun passionate sex-filled relationship. (We broke up for out-of-bedroom incompatibility issues).

It cannot be understated how prevalent and powerful purity culture messaging was and is for *millions* of people in the Christian world. It’s not just the fundies. Harris’s I Kissed Dating Goodbye sold millions, but was also recommended by youth pastors and parents and passed around as a new Bible.

My mind just conveniently blocked out Newt Gingrich’s existence for a bit. That’s how abhorrent he is.

Can we get confirmation that water is wet, too?

The party of “family values”

The mind boggles at their Christian mental gymnastics. 

They all were. Newt Gingrich was a part of that crusade as well.

I have no patience for this bullshit. She wasn’t able to see his loathsome-ness because she was a cool girl who was able to hang with the cool boys...even when they literally fucked her (BTW I can’t wait to see the smear job that Starr and Kavanaugh come out with. It’ll be a doozy). Even when they ( her included) set

Here is her damn cookie, and I hope she chokes on it.

Well quelle surprise! Fuck him and fuck anybody that had anything to do with him (cough-Brett Kavanaugh-cough). He’s a cancre on America’s political scene, and his very existence points to some very deep rot indeed.

Came to say took this person 20 years to tell us what we knew 20 years ago. Another portrait in courage.

A lot of people seem to be finding their consciences now that the horses have been out of the barn and marauding around for 4+ years.


I agree about dress codes loosely but also acknowledge that if I go into a place of worship (even as a None who is a total heathen), I do respect the dress code out of respect for the place. That does not mean I go to religious places a lot.  But if a friend is getting married in a Muslim ceremony and everyone will be