
Reading the opinion, and it’s even worse than I expected. One of the key takeaways is that the prosecutor who made the “agreement” expressly disclaims there was any agreement to never prosecute Cosby. Also, the statement he released at the time he declined to prosecute Cosby also expressly said “District Attorney

Boy, if you ever wanted an example of how the criminal “justice” system serves to protect the powerful, this is it. A prosecutor makes a basically secret, informal agreement with a powerful man to help the powerful man in a civil trial regarding the same conduct, and that secret, informal agreement then forms the

No can do. Re-publishing and commenting on paparazzi photos of Ben Affleck represents at least 30% of Jezebel’s content.

In accordance with internet law, if a dog is mentioned by name we have to also see photographic evidence of said dog.

Treat her like a human being who deserves the right to be in public without being harassed by strangers or camera-wielding paparazzi. Let her frolic on the beach in a bikini or sit with her toes in the sand! Let her LIVE.

Dick in a Box is funny because of Andy Samberg--we can let Justin off the hook for being funny.

Hey, I’m “curious” too—I’m curious about how adults with access to information and healthcare and every advantage possible in this world can still be such fucking pieces of shit. I’m curious about why we keep giving time and money to people who are hell-bent on spreading dangerous misinformation. 

There are no shortage of people, including writers on Jezebel, who have criticized Swift for using her breakups as song material. That said, I don’t think their behavior is entirely comparable. Aside from some statements very early in her career when she broke up with Joe Jonas (which he’s said she’s apologized to him

its a classic antivaxx rhetoric when they dont wanna be explicit about it. 

The “Jess and I send our love” part felt gross, too. It’s the kind of statement that would seem sincere and heartfelt coming from almost anyone else on earth, but “me and wife that you don’t know send our love to you, the struggling ex whose reputation I helped trash” doesn’t land the same.

Right? Those two need to be hounded and humiliated for not vaccinating their kids.

The primary concern for any conservatorship regarding an individual should be the protection of that person. Jamie Spears, et. al. have profited from Britney in a manner that the courts should have put a stop to long ago.

I firmly believe that people can change, however, I also firmly believe that Justin was trash, is trash, will contine to be trash, and will have been trash.

It’s obvious she has been fighting for her own dignity privately in vain. The fact that she has to leverage her privacy for her own freedom by publicly talking about the contents of her uterus is so utterly wrong.

Oh, Justin, cry ME a river!


the goodness

Thank you, I can’t stand the smugness which is so dense you can smell it off of an internet comment when someone says, “Besides food deserts and medical conditions, fat is a choice.” There is so much arrogance fed FAT on ignorance in this type of smugness it’s hardly bearable, almost nearly as insufferable as 5

This. If you go on a bizarre diet and f*ck up your metabolism, it stays f*cked. Particularly if you do this while your body is still developing. This is one of the reasons so many people are fat in the US....dieting fads targeted at teenagers. Teen girls convinced that fasting or whatever will help them lose 10

With increasing outrage about non BIPOC playing people of color, able bodied actors playing disabled roles, trans people playing trans roles, autistic actors portraying autistic roles, I haven’t heard almost any discourse about having larger actors play roles for people who are larger in biopics or increasing