
I’m sad I’ll never hear Tom Petty sing live again. But I am really sorry that Tom Petty the grandfather didn’t get to hang out with his granddaughter like he wanted to once off the road. That sucks.

Truly, we just lost a great American songwriter, as well as another great King of the Hill character:

The south east side of Chicago is 15 minutes from Indiana. In fact, my dad would take us to Indiana for Tasty Freeze. It took us maybe 25 minutes. It took longer to go to Schaumburg.

Everyone needs to get Chicago’s name out of their mouths after mass shootings.

Also known as Indiana, the gun crossroads of America. Come for some wholesome fun, leave with some murdering guns.


Driving along, that song comes on, crank it up, belt it out. Middle age retreats and indestructible youth revives for 3:36 minutes.

Yep, a crime is an offense against the state, not the victim. That’s why the state sits alone at the table, and a victim is merely the state’s witness.

Yup. And Wynona Rider’s career disappeared for 15 years because she shoplifted.

I watch syndicated Gray’s Anatomy episodes while I’m at the gym, and it’s weird knowing Katherine Heigl was reduced to doing cat litter commercials ‘cause she was kind of a bitch.

He and Woody Allen should collaborate. They could both take a long walk on a short pier.

If Sandy Hook didn’t bring about significant change, nothing will.

I’d like to point out that a guy just committed an act of terror in Edmonton but he wasn’t able to actually kill anyone because up here you can’t go into your local Wal-Mart and pick up a semi automatic firearm.

For real, how long can they keep up this “lone wolf/one bad apple” narrative when this shit is literally happening every few months? There are clearly a fuckload of bad apples.

Yup, and the old ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people’. Ugh. People with access to many, many guns commit these acts - they wouldn’t be able to (or at least wouldn’t do as much damage) if our gun control laws were stricter.

Now playing

It’s worth re-watching President Obama’s statement from 2015. There’s nothing more to say, really.

Another good guy with a gun, until he wasn’t.

Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.

But who am I kidding, 20 something kids dying didn’t bring about any change. This act of terrorism (as defined by Nevada law) won’t do diddly shit.