
I’m a resume writer and I promise you can make the transition from academia. The key is to reframe your experience in the language of your target industry, to downplay or remove publications / presentations, and, most importantly, to paint a clear picture of how your skills will transfer to the target position. Do

Totally agree with Ms. Evans — the librarian could have returned the books with her excellent and passionate points as to the need for libraries, especially for children in straitened circumstances. The disquisition as to Dr. Seuss simply becomes clickbait for conservatives, and reduces her complex and thoughtful

Oh, sure...these guys can go rooting around in someone’s neighbors old latrine looking for garbage and it’s “science,” but I get caught one time looking through my neighbor’s trash and I’m a “creep” and a “weirdo” and if it happens again you’re going to “call the police,” Karen?

I’m so sorry for your loss, too. :( I know what that feels like, having your kitty come sit with you if you were crying. My first kitty “of my own” would do the same thing. She also followed me around when I sang. I hope that you find some comfort in the fact that someone else knows how real your grief is, and that

Trump increased the membership fee of Mar-a-Lago after winning the election.

Not that anyone cares, but lost I my collective shit about the Megan Kelly thing. I even signed up for twitter just so I could blast that evil entity. My job is literally to make sure military planes don’t go down. I look like I’m a family member of the duck dynstay clan. And guess what. I am le gay. Fuck this noise.

And here I am defending Kim K. (everything else in our universe is ass-backwards, why not this???): if you’ve gone through the agony of infertility, anyone who gets knocked up easily/by accident is basically a personal affront to you. It’s not logical, it’s not reasonable, it’s not fair or right, it’s not that you

Is it a big mistake - huge - to say that I have always hated this film? I mean, I can’t be the only one, right, guys?

First comment I saw on this story was “If he was a republican, everyone would be outraged that the sentence was so light!” To the people that need to go there; Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure we’re all still outraged

It’s regular. I’ve seen this mentioned on some of the forums and I’m definitely going to get it switched over if I can. My doctor is pretty accommodating, I know it can be done. :)

This girl is coming home!!!! The insurance company approved home care for her, we’ve already met with a representative from the company that will supply her care, and it should be two more weeks until we’re out of the hospital. All the staff needs to go meet her first and learn her current schedule and preferences,

Agreed. Abusers create these little roadblocks - even when someone is perfectly capable of driving to the drugstore for new pills or condoms, it’s still a hassle - and an emotionally exhausted victim might not be able to deal with “one more little thing” and give in to their abuser.

My pharmacy won’t refill my birth control even a day early unless I pay out of pocket, because of my insurance. A few times, I can only assume the pharmacy billed the insurance a few days late because I couldn’t refill when I ended a pack because “I should still have 5 days remaining according to the system” even

Nope, no matter her subsequent actions, what he did was reproductive coercion. It’s abuse and it fucks with your head.

Right?!? Everything about this is super disturbing.

Does Somerhalder assume people will find this story charming because he’s not ugly? Because it contains at least 3 of the warning signs of abuse in the booklet my doctor gave me at my first prenatal visit.

Yeah let me tell you. It takes a lot of manipulation to get a person to the point where a dude can throw away all her birth control pills while a friend films it and then she can have his baby. Just based on this interview, he’s been pushing her boundaries and testing her limits since they first starting dated.

I will never be able to see this smug asshole without thinking about how he pulled this shit. Had Reed been smart she would have dumped him then and never looked back. A man who would do this kind of thing has zero respect for you.

What th FUCK. This is reeeeeeeally not okay. If my partner had done this, we’d be divorced, not pregnant. Men: taking reproductive choices away from women is not funny, cute, or romantic. Someone please clue in (republican) congress 😑.