
Ah yes, the teenage seductress who made it impossible for poor Weiner to do anything other than ask her to strip for him. Poor little guy....

These are both worthy options, but I’m all in for Baba Yaga. Once we’re no longer lethal-sex desirable, we are all the crone. Our wisdom is our power. Our rejection of the patriarchy is the reason they fear us. We surround ourselves with our sisters because Fuck Dudes. We are mysterious and strong and don’t care what

Voted Baba Yaga, and if there isn’t a palette out in time for Christmas, Imma be pissed.

I love Russian fairy tales and look forward to the fashion debut of iron teeth.

I voted for Baba Yaga, but I agree. Beauty tutorial would definitely assist in kicking off this hot new beauty trend.

I will help create this if necessary.

The Chicken Leg boots as high fashion aren’t getting nearly enough cred.


I once attended a wedding in North Dakota in July that didn’t have AC. The fiance of the gal I was sitting with complained relentlessly there was no AC. He swore up and down his wedding would have AC. He said it so many times the sound of his voice saying AC AC AC AC is etched permanently in my memory.

They got married

Yes, but has she lit Shabbat candles while her 9 year old is refusing to put on a kippah, the 12 year old is rolling her eyes and you’re trying to figure out if the burning smell is coming from the candles or the oven. Shabbat—keeping it real for over 5000 years.

“You look really good for having been born in the 1800s” is exactly the kind of joke that would be tossed around in my marriage. Respect.


Seriously, I’m all for exposing yourself to different religions and practices but this feels like she’s just trying to collect them and get applause for it. “I have chanted and meditated in some of the most magnificent temples on earth.” Cool story, maybe meditate on why you need to point out that you are the best at

Somehow, Jada Pinkett-Smith’s statement is actually more insufferable. She’s trying on religions to seem worldly and open/accepting.

Someone resurrected this gem:

We are all General Kelly.

“with 50 hours of community service and an eight-page essay assignment about their behavior.”

“The freshman told investigators that his teammates restrained him with more duct tape during the drive, pulled down his shorts and underwear, then repeatedly tried to insert an object into his rectum.”

We pay more attention to them, and maybe they stay glamorous a bit longer because there are fewer consequences.

I think the amount of messed up people in entertainment is about the same as any other industry, just as there are probably a similar amount of people people not in entertainment or even front facing jobs that are ridiculously attractive. The people in entertainment probably just have more enablers surrounding them