
Possibly slightly OT plus-size clothing complaint: I JUST WANT WORK/CASUAL BASICS. I don’t care about looking “hot”. I don’t need skintight shit that looks like I should be at the club. I love my bodacious ta-tas but am not interested in displaying them at the office. I just want regular, grown-up, non-adolescent,

Side note: ‘Federal G’ is my new gangster rap name.

Yep. And Ryan has now given up all pretense of being the Speaker of the whole House instead of just the GOP.

HBO/Netflix mini series does seem to be the way to go! As long as they don’t get money stars in their eyes and try to commission second seasons, thus ruining the entire thing.

Oh! Yes hell yes hell yes! That whole novel is so vivid in my head, I feel like I’m related to every one of those characters.... except for the elusive supervillain Zenia of course... It’s so so good.

Interesting! I didn’t read it that way at all. I thought it was a great play on the concept of an unreliable narrator. Atwood gives you a character whose whole existence is so unreliable that each woman’s narration of her own life becomes suspect. I loved it.

Can we have ‘The Blind Assassin’ next?

Between this, Top of the Lake: China Doll, Handmaid’s Tale and Doctor Foster season 2 I am feeling downright spoiled. Is this what it’s like to be a white man where every piece of media is made for your consumption?

cocks and rainbows

To be fair, I get where they’re coming from. When my partner and I get married, we’re not going to be doing it for the enormous financial benefits, legal benefits or out of sheer love. We’ve decided we’re going to get married specifically so we can oppress the freedoms of Christian bakers. That’s just how we roll.

Specifically, Christian religious intolerance. The moment a Muslim baker declines to make a burning cross-shaped cake for the Klan potluck is the moment the Trump administration says the guy in the white hood is being oppressed

Essentially they want to make religious intolerance a protected class above all others. It’s the end-game to all their whining about “PC Police.” They want the freedom to abuse oppressed groups. Also, if they win this, it’s essentially saying being gay is a choice. Which it is not. Protected classes exist because it’s

Supporting Trump violates my sincerely held beliefs, so I don’t have to pay taxes this year.

YES. My husband of 7 years left when I got pregnant (we were trying to get pregnant) and I thank god every damn day he left and it was a clean break before the baby came. If I had had the stress of HIM on top of learning how to breastfeed and be a mom it would have been horrendous. Get out, girl! It’s not as hard to

Beezus effing Christ. That man is a jackass.

I loved her as Ramona Quimby and reading her anecdote about the incident with the camera operator when she was 9....wasn’t she about that age when she played Ramona?! Did some camera operator make that comment to RAMONA F’ING QUIMBY!? He must die.

This has been white feminism’s problem from the beginning. The white women with the power to speak out have the most money privilege and influence, but they most often get it by way of white men, the one group whose power structure they can’t rip down because it would cost them their money, privilege and influence. 

I don’t even swear around children, and I’m a caustic asshole.

Dear “Sorry, but I don’t have a funny name for this very long question”, 

My dude, why did you start paying the bills for someone who (allegedly) lives with their parent?? I was 21 when I started dating my now husband when he was in his mid 30s. I wouldn’t even let him chip in for dog food until we were nearly 2 years in. It is was very important to me that I be completely independent