
Innumeracy bites. IMHO, every teen graduating from high school should be given a copy of “How to Lie with Statistics,” and have to pass a short quiz on the contents in order to graduate!

I can’t figure out why Trump cares about taxes, since he doesn’t seem to have any tax returns...

We’re in a post-facts universe now.

I didn’t even need to google it to know it’s not even close to the truth. I did, however, have to google stress relief techniques because I almost popped a vein reading that tweet.

Two seconds of googling tells me Argentina has the highest tax rate, we weren’t even on the list of top 25.

It’s an extension of what was so eloquentl expressed here:

That reads to me that she just needed some ‘hired help’ around the house and got away with hiring kids because they’re cheaper to pay while at the same time scoring political sympathy points...

And she mispronounced her name. After years of being a mentor for this young lady, she didn’t even know how to pronounce her name. That says volumes to me about DeVos’s lack of respect for her and a very imbalanced relationship.

That report was such propaganda horseshit.

She doesn’t care about their success at all, she just wants to make all schools Christian. That’s her only goal and she’s hired a lot of people with all that money to determine the most subtle, slimiest way possible to do it.

I just listened to that yesterday and came here to see if anyone was commenting about it (you can listen to the whole thing on podcast, which I suppose you probably know - that’s how I get it). Her speech to the conservative ladies in which she decries those who want a stronger system in favour of one that champions

I just listened to that episode too, and found the whole thing strange. She paid for an impoverished girl’s private education and bought her mom a car to help her get to work. And then she hired the mom to be her personal laundry woman, which is nice I guess, since the mom was having trouble holding a job. But they

Part of the conservative ethos is that private charity is just as good as and can replace public policy and funding, so this makes sense in a way. She picked a family she thought was “worthy” of the help, and gave it. She didn’t consider the other kids who were still in the school and that they all might benefit from

Last night I listened to an NPR show @ Betsy DeVos and her time as a mentor in a low income school. I missed the beginning, but the teachers who were interviewed talked about how profoundly misguided she was. She took a shine to one family and bought them a car, but never tried to figure out what would actually help

By removing forced protections, they’re creating a survival-of-the-“fittest” situation where “fittest” is whoever they like most as a demographic.

I also think De Vos was bred in the same petri dish as Phyllis Schlafley - ie. “all women should forget about anything but fulfilling their Godly duty to keep the home and submit to their husbands...all women but me because I am the special anointed one to send this message to the wee little lambs”. Title IX is just

Because Obama did it or liked it. And because so much of GOP politics and Trump’s in particular begin and end with “Fuck Obama”. They really got put out by those eight years of a black man running the country and actually being really good at it, they need to screw over his legacy as much as possible.

It’s this weird-ass sort of eugenics they’re wanting to do. If you can’t “hack it” through their bullshit American hazing ritual — involving being the right skin color, conforming to certain cultural roles they want to enforce, etc — you just don’t make it and out you go. By removing forced protections, they’re

Hi — while I agree with a general sense of skepticism that’s always healthy when dealing with stuff like this, as a DACA recipient myself, these comments do little more than incite fear. I am scared and so are other people like me — but I also hope that Congress will pull through with something. Please do not hope

I’m just wondering how and why DACA recipients aren’t referred to as Americans. THEYRE AMERICAN. What else could they be if they fucking grew up here?? Jesus im really pissed about this one. Not that it’s surprising after this shitfuck of a presidency so far.