
2nd person to remind me, thanks.

I’ve seen various sources citing U.S. passenger vehicle emissions as contributing anywhere from 0.3% to 2% of global carbon emissions.  Transitioning to EVs in the U.S. is going to have exactly zero impact on the climate.  As long as the planet needs electricity and has developing economies, we will need hydrocarbon

Given the ever increasing cost and Mustang having by Ford’s own admission become an “aspirational car” I think they should just go ahead and complete the sportscar transformation and occupy the space left by the C7 Corvette. At the price point a well equipped Dark Horse sits they should have more closely aligned the

Camaro/Firebird’s of the era. Plastic fantastic mostly all show and not too much go. Buddy had a Camaro that was nearly new and shake, rattled and rolled almost off the showroom floor.  Just no.

As someone who lived in Florida- I can tell you why this law is; because 300 decibel Stereos are beyond obnoxious. At the beach or sitting in your house.

If white people are involved, it’s racist.

I have to agree with you. I’m glad classic cars exist, but there are only a few I’d probably want to own. Give me galvanized panels, disc brakes, and good seat belts!

OTOH, every other sub chain slices on site, so maybe it’s not a huge deal. Even Jimmy John’s (whose whole shtick is speed) slices on site. I’d be surprised if it was sliced to order - staff will use “down time” to slice meat for service.

Now playing

I remember, years ago, when I saw my first electric RC standing backflip thinking “When we get batteries worked out, electric cars are going to change what speed means for cars forever.” In RC during the days of brushed motors and NiCad batteries, It was basically Nitro if you wanted speed. Then Brushless DC motors

Only country artist I’ll listen to for more than 10 minutes. As for the truck I like it, more 2 tones please, hood ornament’s a bit much but I don’t hate it.

I know you meant George Thorogood but now I can’t stop thinking about our first African American Supreme Court Justice performing that terrible song.

I’ve owned a wide array of vehicles over the years, (I’m only 33 though, so no old-man stigma here) and the 2011 Jaguar XKR (X150 generation) I picked up back in 2018 is the best vehicle I’ve ever owned. (Reliability and all) It’s probably the most slept-on car in this category. (Which is one of the reasons I bought

Once you agree to buy something, its future value is irrelevant.”


Worked in a machine shop for a bit and this always amazed me. Massive castings that were the brackets that held railway car axles, came on pallets in one big box, maybe 6-8 per box and 80 pounds each. All from China, we would just machine the mounting points.

Even if you rely on low-cost manufacturing that simply can’t be conducted competitively in the U.S., there are now plenty of options in countries that aren’t using the proceeds to militarize. I was at a presentation earlier this week by an exec at a company that has various manufacturing ops all over the world, and

I had a ‘01 GT when this vid was making the rounds.  God how I lusted after a Termi Cobra.  Was always trying to budget a supercharger (glad it never worked out, it’d been shit).  Still sounds so wicked and the way it lights up those tires...  mmmm.

I’ve never been a Mustang styling fan, same goes for Ford styling over my lifetime, but this is the best looking Mustang ever, at least externally, IMHO. Inside, I’m not crazy about all the touchscreens, but I’m a touchscreen hater in general. I had one laptop with it, hated it from day one, and soon disabled it.

Screw it, I’m not engaging in the Two Minutes Hate today.

You know me.