
You all want to have people starving to death? This insane war on farming is absolutely mind blowing. You need to figure out a better alternative before you just shut down farming.

The 1964.5 original Mustang was king of it’s time. Because it’s competition was the Plymouth Barracuda, the AMC Marlin, the Dodge Dart (the 1963 bug eye before the 1966 redesign), and the Datsun 1600. Everything except the Datsun looked like a freak, and the Datsun ripped of Triumph’s designs and shrunk them down even

Damn that thing is sweet. I’ve been looking for a clean one for way too long.

Agree. The bank account stuff is downright fascist.

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. This could be a really bad precedent if enforced. Fuck them, but I don’t think this is the way to go. 

Not everyone understands what a “principle” is anymore, unfortunately.

I think if the party and cause affiliations were reversed, people would be screaming in protest.

Nothing like “emergency powers” being used to take people’s private property without recourse.

French bulldogs should be on here, alongside the pugs.  Stop buying dogs that spend their whole lives struggling to breathe.

Holy crap. You are the absolute worst! An entire country is peacefully travelling to their capital to protest the government destroying their livelihood if they don’t agree to participate in a medical experiment. Most of the supporters of the movement have participated, but are supporting their countrymen’s right to

First gear:

Children? How are 18 year olds children? Old enough to vote, old enough to be sent off to war, old enough to smoke/drink in most countries, and old enough to have made a few big decisions already.  Might want to get out of your U.S. bubble every now and then.  They made the decision.  If they had parents, the parents

why stop with student debt? Why should I have to pay off my mortgage, my car loan, my credit card debt. I never went to college. I want my free money too!!

The performance wheels are much better. 

First glance had me saying “weird Focus”

So, basically the worldwide car culture is on the verge of turning into Cuba....recycling the same cars for 50 years.

I was a Teamster for 34 years working for that company with all the brown trucks. Never once did I cross a picket line.

It’s fine if you don’t get Corvettes and what they are about. To each their own. Just stop saying stupid things like this article. The C5 Corvette Z06 is a joy. So is the 1987-93 Mustang 5.0L - it won’t win any design or ergonomic awards either, it’s kind of ugly, but it is damn fun. Get over yourself.

Don’t you own a Nazi-designed Beetle?

So, my S550 Mustang’s cabin air filter is changeable under the glove compartment.