Uh, no....it was 1985. I was 6 years old and thought I was going to marry Mikey from The Goonies. I think I liked his can-do spirit and adventurous nature.
Hm, that's an interesting way to put it. I don't think I've ever taken the time to figure out why I dislike Haneke as strongly as I do. In general, I don't mind movies that are violent, bizarre, disturbing, sad, etc. Surely there are a lot of movies out there that are more violent, more depressing, weirder, etc.,…
The Television Without Pity recaps were an absolute thing of beauty. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Even though the site is kaput, the archives are still up. You should go read them, they will change your life!
Seriously! "Oh, that Michael Haneke! So subversive! Killing animals and little kids all the time, because it makes you think!"
Oh, it's so much worse than that. He's a cruel, sadistic bastard that seems to be under the impression that if a movie doesn't make you physically ill, then it's not art. Dude makes Lars Von Trier look like DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba by comparison.
No, you're right. The minute after I posted this, I remembered that Cannes is the film festival that swings from Michael Haneke's pretentious nutsack. I fucking hate that dude. If Cannes hates this movie, I'll probably like it.
That's interesting, because when I think of children getting abducted and tortured, I immediately think of Michael Haneke, whom the Cannes critics routinely line up to fellate.
Well that's disappointing. I love Matt Smith, Ian DeCaestecker and Christina Hendricks, and had hoped that this would be decent.
I was exactly club age when this came out. Now I'm 35 with 2 kids and I'm like "Cuz it's 11:30 and I've been in bed for half an hour."
'Why does your husband need to go to the club right now?'"
HFCS? I dunno. All he knows is that if he gets hooked (baby), it's nobody else's fault, so don't do it!
Random, but my 6 year old thinks White Lines by Grandmaster Flash is a song about how too much sugar is bad for you.
Agreed. I love my kids. Yes, it's messy and frustrating and I miss what my ass looked like 7 years ago and being able to just do whatever, whenever, without having to worry about the two tiny people who depend on me for almost everything. Sometimes they aggravate me so much I want to cry.
Good to know, thanks. On the one hand, I refuse to outfit kids rooms with expensive furniture and the Hemnes looks pretty great for the price. On the other hand....uuugggh. An hour there, an hour back and probably 35 hours to assemble.