
Do you mean that you still pine for mid-aughts fashion? Because I have like 3 pairs of 7 For All Mankind Havana jeans in the back of my closet that will never fit me again, if you're interested!

It's just kind of this thing that happens. I know exactly what she means. I used to know about things like spring nail colors, which handbags are the hottest right this minute, what kind of jeans the cool girls are wearing, etc. And then I had a few kids, fell into this sort of "Mom Vortex" and by the time I managed

Oh shit. I just remembered the weirdest thing about Scavenger Hunt. I was really young when I read it, probably only 10 or 11. I was in the back seat of my mom's car, and I got to the part where Davey "garroted" the priest. I had never heard the expression, so like an idiot I ask, "Mom, what does 'garrote' mean?" She

I haven't read The Starlight Crystal. I think I was either a senior in high school or a college freshman when it was published, and by then I had turned my nose up at all of the YA literature that dominated my life from the ages of 10-16. I was reading "real" literature.

Yes! Shit...what was it called? The main character was "Rox" and her boyfriend was Pepper and she accidentally murdered him by pushing him off a hay loft onto an upturned pitchfork? I remember everything about it except the title.

I have no idea how I managed to forget this piece of information for the last 25 years, but I was beyond obsessed with Christopher Pike books.

Ha! Otis is the nickname my husband and I have for our 6 year old. It started as a joke, when I was pregnant and we were throwing out baby names, he suggested Otis O'[Our last name] Double O. Buckshot. Boom. We then started referring to the baby as Otis, and never stopped. It's not on his birth certificate or school

Not ashamed to admit that I still love this song as much as I did back in 4th grade.

She is, but she's also batshit crazy. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? is pretty much my favorite short story of all time. I love it so much I can't even talk about it without sounding like a lunatic. But dude. DUDE. I've seen her around a handful of times over the past 15 year and lord is she a whackadoo.

If I accomplish nothing else tomorrow, I am going to refer to someone as a "batfinkel duck turkey." Consider it done.

I remain steadfast in my opinion that Buddy Garrity is also a pretty interesting character. On the surface he was often cliched comic relief, but under that, he was actually a fairly complex, flawed, but ultimately kind dude.

SHHHHH! If you tell them, then none of them will ever want to marry any of us!

I feel like it's nice that they threw it out there, like "Sure, bring the whole family!" but also, if you do go ahead and bring your toddler to Coachella you are a fucking asshole on so many levels.

Well that's how I feel about fanny packs, but I see those made the "Do" list....

Then you are my 4 year old daughter, and what the hell are you doing at Coachella?

Wow, that list of don'ts makes Coachella sound exactly like my 10th grade biology class. Fun!

Like, not to say that it makes up for the Make A Wish thing, but I basically learned to cook because of her show. 6 years ago I could barely make toast, and then I started watching her show and she made all this amazing looking stuff that seemed....incredibly doable. Now cooking is seriously one of my favorite things

So you are basically admitting that you lack the intellectual and emotional fortitude to deal with a developmentally disabled 8 year old without resorting to physical retaliation? You sound like a real winner.