
I, personally, do not feel the slightest bit persecuted. I do, however, find the hypocrisy hilarious.
And you're wrong. Just a few threads above, there are a ton of people claiming that "it's different. " Because there aren't shows that pay people to gain weight. Or something.

Nope. People are flat out calling her "unhealthy looking." Pointing out that an overweight person "looks unhealthy" is the kiss of death on Jezebel, because "Oh, are you her doctor? No? Then shut the fuck up, concern troll! You can't tell anything about someone's health by looking at them!"

I'm not really in a position to judge whether or not she's "healthy." All I know is that I'm imagining the absolute shitstorm that would ensue if you replaced the word "lost" with "gained" and everyone came out of the woodwork to express their "concern."

Well, she won The Biggest Loser! Maybe she can go cry into her $250K.

I mean, I realize that Jezebel and it's commenters are an amalgam of thousands of people and their "Expert Opinions" and so I try not to view it as a monolith. It's just really funny that I see certain commenters weighing in on her "unhealthy" body who I know for an actual fact have previously gone apeshit on others

Pretty much all I'm getting from this article and the comments is that concern trolling someone's body/weight is totally fine as long as everyone agrees that she Much. Too. Thin. 'Kay.

I totally understand, and while I'm no advocate for throwing caution to the wind where school buses and icy roads are concerned, I think that what has people aggravated around here is that in many cases, they are canceling school before a single flake has fallen, and at least twice, it was not the right call. A few

It's not the heating system, it's more to do with road conditions, icy sidewalks, buses, etc. Normally, we'll get one or two relatively "bad" snowstorms, mostly dustings. This year we've been getting 4-6" accumulations once a week. I get that it's more than people are used to, but the way people are reacting to it,

If anything, I'd say that's proof of nothing more than the polar vortex causing people to lose their damn minds.

I'm pretty sure it's referencing the HBO show True Detective, which was referenced in the article, being that it's a show about a bunch of murdered women in Louisiana.

The only people who wear sweats and Uggs in NYC are the tourists.

I have no idea what it is. I grew up in Southern California, and I'm less of a chickenshit about driving in the snow than most people I know that grew up around here. We've definitely had more snow this year than is normal for the area, but it's not like it NEVER happens! I have a few neighbors that are transplants

One more snow day, and I really think my children might eat each other.

Fuck winter, indeed. Honestly though, I sort of wish the Northeast would get it's collective shit together and learn to drive in the snow. Swear to fucking god, we get 3 inches and all of a sudden it's snow closings and State of Emergency. I just paid my daughter's (not inexpensive) second semester preschool tuition

"What will the Hunger Games franchise do now that PSH has died? I hope it all turns out! I really do love those movies! I know they're for the younger crowd, but they are so eerily accurate about how things go when government gets big!"

Aw, I kind of like the idea of peanut free schools. I say this as someone who has no peanut allergies in my home. The preschool where I work (that my daughter attends) is nut-free. It's really not that hard to pack her a lunch with no nuts, once you get used to what you can and can't send.

Also pictured: District Child Nutrition Manager

I have no use for anyone who is mean to a child.

I'm hesitant to even address this, because every kid is different, everyone's situation is different, etc. I have 2 kids. My 6 year old, I'm lucky to get him to eat enough in a day to fill a single bowl, and he is so, so skinny. I do my best with him, but sometimes, if I know that if I make him oatmeal with raisins,