oh, you didn’t mean this Gengis Khan?
oh, you didn’t mean this Gengis Khan?
I’m getting tired just looking at all those bodies that need so much time in the gym. I just don’t have it in me, y’all.
Having known a few Russians, I’m just surprised they are capable of smiling.
I’m getting my neighbors together. We’re going to take a day off of work together and make an appointment with our congressional representative (Pat Toomey). We will come prepared, polite, and armed with our votes.
Because I love music, I’ve always had reservations about Tipper Gore. Now, I can just hate her. thank you, Jezebel.
This made me angry for you. You should have lied MORE
It might be that it’s 5am and I’m awake for no good reason, but you just had me in tears. Oh my lord. This is a great story.
This is something I would have done.
agreed. Telling any non asexual person that they cannot eff will lead to shenanigans at best and trauma at worst.
Seriously: Eff these guys.
Am I happily married in the scenario? Because I’m not putting it all on the line for some doughy Limey. Plus, I make delicious bagels. FUCK YOU, PAUL
I currently live in Philly (and love it), but I would totally love living in Chicago. It’s got a lot of public art and the public transit sytem is really great and easy to understand. After Philly, you’ll be in love with how wide the streets are and how tall the buildings are!
I used to live in Chicago. I wish I still did. It’s the best.
We’re definitely teaching him to great everyone like “eh, yo, cuz!”
“huh, this was great, except it was a little too diverse.”
ha! My 2 year old screams “go go go go” to any stopped car. Makes sense since he hangs out with his Angry Pedestrian Dad all day long. His South Philly accent hasn’t creeped in...yet.
I am so smug right now. My shower is nicer than Jessica Biel’s.
You don’t mention a father, so please accept this with all the salt you will need.
Christ. That’s so simple. I need more sleep.
Okay, but how are their feet so clean after 15 minutes of walking around backstage? I want to see the feet cleaning situation back there. Were there tiny tubs to dip into? Was it more of a hosing down situation? What is the secret??