
Those people have no privacy by choice. Attempting to build your brand on your personal life will remove your privacy with your consent.

IDK if you’ve seen how the Japanese train police, but they’re to spend X hours/week doing some kind of martial arts training as well as deescalation. Few officers carry firearms, but they also have wildly strict gun laws; basic idea remains the same though

Maybe he commited many crimes? Not just the fraud

Please don’t move the goalposts.

Please Don’t Feed the Trolls.

Hopefully Hightower returns. He’s the centerpiece, the glue, they form like Voltron and he the head. There were an awful lot of Patriots defenders making the wrong reads on stacked receivers and during crossing patterns. The onus is on each individual player to know how your scheme interacts with the offensive

Just ask Rhode Island about giving Curt Schilling money

Idk yo, the plant puns were pretty spot on the whole sentence

It says a lot about how much free time/money teenagers have to spend on watching and consuming the worst shit.

I don’t know. His “stunts” aren’t even that outrageous. Fucking mattress fire? Street trampoline? Dude’s a shitty frat boy with no frat and thanks to corporate sponsorship he’ll soon be one of the few people able to afford healthcare

Probably fancy high schooling that costs the down payment on a house every year

By saying they’re the spokesperson for an internet company that makes fucking oodles of money

La glace?

I think Cricket still has the highest suicide rate

This is a far better response than expected


Whichever way will make more money

This is super duper, thanks

He’s a putts fore doing this

What about Enzo managing another tag-team, maybe a couple bigs, orchestrating the fall of Cass and whatever ally they toss him. Feud, mic skills, new blood in tag teams for a little bit.