
I logged in after months of unlogged perusing just to give you the only star I have to give.

Don’t live in places that gut education. Revisionist history has existed since humans started communicating experience to each other; winners write the history books an such.

Can confirm that from the reverse this is actually just a giant sperm costume.

I doubt any serious ulterior motive exists. If a Democrat is pro-life in RI its probably because they are Catholic and this is just a goofy way to produce revenue. The state is bass ackwards as far as money is concerned.

Because he embodied a segment of the political spectrum for years, that section is all riled up right now, the other sections are riled up against, so he will bring you some eyeballs.

These people of whom you speak do not enjoy The Big Bang Theory.

This would be a can of worms that could take a fucking decade to fix, super unlikely, but I like where your Turn It up to 11 train of thought is at. If any one of those things happened I can’t even imagine the number of lawsuits, injunctions, lost money, lost jobs, probably deaths, and the hit the national economy

Found this too, section 16 article 1, emphasis mine

A player shall not kick a loose ball, a forward pass or a ball being held for a place kick by an opponent.

Cormier casually collects championship from colossally compromised contender

Cormier casually collects championship from colossally compromised contender

Amoral, non-sentient company designed to make money, founded by people who were cultivated by an amoral, non-sentient company designed to make money, has no remorse for humans discarded and trampled along the way.

Look at this tweet by Our President. Better than almost anything in recent memory, this sums up the unbridled audacity of the Republican party’s program for America.

Does this matter in regard to the alleged crime committed? Humans have a history of being violent, but I am not violent.

Crockett Cries Conservative Cruz Consciously Cucks Companion in Crazy Kink Catastrophe.

They could stay out of the street. Law enforcement could also not advocate attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon.

This must be one of those white hicks Trump promised to help during the campaign.

This must be one of those white hicks Trump promised to help during the campaign.

We can’t let Cruz control the spice

Yes they can