Attaching the word “leaker” to Comey’s name provides negative association for his fan base, and anyone that only listens with a half an ear. All you have to do is attach negative-sounding words and some people’s brains need to go no further.
Attaching the word “leaker” to Comey’s name provides negative association for his fan base, and anyone that only listens with a half an ear. All you have to do is attach negative-sounding words and some people’s brains need to go no further.
Ghost Dad Hosts Bad at Grope Pad
Comey didn’t play pickup against Obama because he didn’t want to be shown dominating the leader of the free world
I’m calling NFL future-false-flag. When viewership declines more rapidly they will be able to trot out some soundbite to get everyone riled up about HWJr. It will get everyone’s mind off concussions, sexual assault, child abuse, regular assault, rampant drug use, sexual assault, tax-payer funded stadium assault,…
Its also cheaper for the state to lock them up forever because of the appeals process. It takes a super long time between sentencing and fulfillment of penalty so you already have the normal fees for a prisoner, plus extra lawyers, judges, etc on every part of the numerous appeals.
de l’Orange*
Then go back before that and have small tribal leaders that consolidated power due to violence and dominance. People have been terrible forever, altruism and honesty are new developments. Or the folks that moved up through religious channels.
He works at Baylor I think
Val Intravenous
They say it’s A-OK because legally you cannot be forced to give up your bodily rights for someone else’s health; even if a zygote is a fully fledged human it wouldn’t matter. If someone needed a blood transfusion and I was the only person alive with that blood, I could deny it’s use. Even if it was only a pint and…
Religion is the reason. Birth control for all is antithetical to an abstinence only viewpoint, hence the Hobby Lobby lawsuit giving corporations religious freedoms.
That is because only one of those currently exists and is under attack.
or JFK taking orders from the Pope
And to Weekend at Bernie’s with Justice Scalia
She looks good with a beard
This is awesome, thanks
You said to look up how many NA are offended, can you send me what sources you used?
I think his family must have some weird video of Vince doing WEIRD stuff that they hold over Vince’s head.
The comments in the above section already went through this pretty in depth, but Obama tried to get Congressional approval to strike Syrian State in 2013 after chemical attacks. Republicans voted against.
It’s a matter of degree. Broad generalizations are not accurate. Racism is much worse.