
Circle Jerk


All the little chicks with their crimson lips
Say “Cleveland drops Cleveland’s Brock!”

My understanding is that it acknowledges “imputation of guilt”, which isn’t quite the same as “admission of guilt”. (See: Ford’s pardon of Nixon)

Regardless of the other issues of the case, a pardon is not an exoneration and has no bearing on the previous conviction of Arpaio. All it does is prevent Arpaio from serving the jail time or fines from the offense.

These are just tiny doors.

No, I disagree.

With a name like Smelcer he had to be bad.

Eh, do you really think she should just slink off into the night?

Men are shits. They just are. All of them. Just try to find an outlier, then you’ll be okay.

If you look at that guy, he was physically grotesque

Elwood: Charlottesville Nazis?

They do support the Second Amendment... they just support a different interpretation, ie the “well regulated Militia” clause refers to a group right, not an individual right. 

Actually what he was saying, in his best Ross Geller impressions is - “We were on a break!”

They’re paying freaking Seacrest north of 10 mill and they’re trying to cheap out on Lionel “I wished you were my father in the 80's” Richie?

the same people that dont want trans people to serve in the military are the same people that are too cowardly to go to chipotle without a pistol in their sock.

Was she ever kidnapped by human traffickers in Milan and released because she was also a mother?

Hey, woah, woah, woah, wait a second there. Calm the fuck down.

They tend to be simple, so expect lots of “Where’s the White Panther movie?”