It would take a lot to make me stop loving Tony Bennett. This isn’t nearly enough to do the job. It is, however, creepy and neither of them should ever mention it again.
It would take a lot to make me stop loving Tony Bennett. This isn’t nearly enough to do the job. It is, however, creepy and neither of them should ever mention it again.
I feel like this new, very minor trend towards charging cops who kill people without reason is a step in the right direction. I only hope I live to see the next step, actually convicting them and sending them to prison.
Does a pardon stop a civil suit, though? OJ was sued after being found not guilty.
I’m a white guy but I don’t know if I’m woke. I’m not sure I want to be. I know I didn’t want to be when the dog jumped on me this morning. But now she and the cat have been fed and they’re happy so maybe this woke thing isn’t all bad.
Are we not supposed to assault Yankees fans? That’s not a world I want to live in.
I don’t understand the bit about asking if the players could be given immunity. I understand it’s despicable, that part’s easy. But how does it make sense as something to request? What was the point of asking? Normally when you’re asking about immunity it’s because whoever it applies to has cooperated with an…
Were you agitating your co-worker or her dead mother? If it was your co-worker, go nuts. But if you were agitating her dead mother, why would you do that? That’s just mean.
Is there a relatively painless way to blind yourself? I foresee a new trend in octogenarians defending themselves from heinous charges.
I’m genuinely disappointed this happened in Germany instead of the US.
I saw the trailers and think it looks funny, but my wife and I don’t see many movies in the theater anymore. I’ll be happy to give this one a try when it comes on HBO or through Redbox. Granted, that probably doesn’t help all that much.
This is fantastic, by all means, but I feel like you buried the real story:
I don’t understand why you’re resorting to sticks for first aid purposes. Is there no dirt to rub on the injury?
Folks, no argument that Salma Hayek is gorgeous and Trump is a moron, but you’re missing the important story here:
I’ve been playing Arcanum lately and digging it as much as I did back in the day, but for whatever reason it’s slow as hell so I might have to find something else. I see also has Sid Meier’s Pirates, the one from 2004 or so, and that’s one of my favorites of all time so I might have to try that next.
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. I thought I was the only one who knew how to spell y’all correctly, and I only use it because I started doing it to pester a Southern coworker twenty years ago and it stuck.
Good thing Step 3 wasn’t say the name of the problem again, ‘cause Bloody Islam would’ve appeared behind you and killed you.
Just tell me it wasn’t “Hey dude.”
The original story says the whole mess became publicly known when one of the leaders committed suicide in order to show his support fo the cause.
She looks too young to be a doctor, but then so do half of the doctors who’ve treated me since I started feeling as old as the hills. I try not to let my idiotic preconceptions rule my reactions, and even when I fail I’m confident I’m not as stupidly offensive as that flight attendant.
I don’t see any benefit to Clinton in going along with this. If Trump immediately backpedals, he’ll look horrible to reasonable people but will lose no supporters. If he goes through with it and his test is positive or he’s caught cheating, same thing with the addition of accusations that Clinton cheated to make him…