Usain Bolt has fallen so far. First he has to pose with Mario Lopez, then he might lose a race to James Corden. Do your stretches, Usain! He’s faster than he looks!
Usain Bolt has fallen so far. First he has to pose with Mario Lopez, then he might lose a race to James Corden. Do your stretches, Usain! He’s faster than he looks!
Is anyone else reminded of the extras for the Lord Of The Rings movies? She looks like one of the hobbit body doubles next to John Rhys-Davies.
Why did they give him the option of bail? A million isn’t even that much if he or a relative have a house they can use as collateral.
I imagine I’m just getting old, but what the hell is up with shit like The Weeknd? I didn’t not pay attention in English class all those years so you goddamned whippersnappers could just start dropping vowels any goddamned time you feel like it! It doesn’t even make any sense! You drop one E but keep the other three?…
I remain fervent in my hope that all these people - very definitely including the similar idiots on The Daily Show - are paid actors working from a script. I would not hesitate a second to forgive the lack of journalistic integrity if it meant I wasn’t sharing the planet with these idiots.
Thanks, Obama.
Leaving alone all the other good points that have been made, I don’t think you should be allowed to write this sort of article until you can prove you can reliably identify an eye roll. That wasn’t one, slight or otherwise.
This had better be a non-issue. If Trump turns out to have been accidentally right about something, there’ll be no living with him. You think he’s bad now?
I have to admit I like the idea of only eating things that don’t kill an organism. I’ll never, ever do it until and unless we can get steak and cheeseburgers that way, but it’s sort of elegant.
This is a very well written, interesting article that explores some important issues. Then I got to the bottom and all I could think was “Holy crap, those women are gorgeous.”
My god, I love Usain Bolt.
And Germans love David Hasselhoff.
I feel great for Bolt and all, but do we have any word yet on how many people he killed at JFK airport this time? Man’s a menace.
Friend, we don’t joke about Betty White in these parts.
Blake seems like a dipshit, but he’s got a point about both Richard Simmons and Katy Perry.
There’s a condition called MRKH that, among other symptoms, generally causes a woman to be born without a uterus. It affects 1 in 4500-5000 female births, which really isn’t all that rare.
Someone’s a little hot under the colander.
“No one would believe five or more, and if there were three or less I look like a pussy for not kicking their asses all by myself. Four. I saw four shooters.”
Dude climbed over a barb wire fence to get from the tarmac to the taxi area. I’m no security expert like the guy defending this clusterfuck elsewhere in the comments, but I’m pretty sure that’s not supposed to happen when a supposed active shooter is about. Maybe it’s okay because he doesn’t look like a terrorist. I’m…
I say more power to them. It actually makes me very happy to know that those athletes are making money from their hard work. I wish they all were.