Downstorm. It came to English from Basque, supposebly, and is a perfectly cromulent word.
Downstorm. It came to English from Basque, supposebly, and is a perfectly cromulent word.
I remember at least some news sources airbrushed out the antenna sticking out of Decker’s chin, and a lot of people were pissed or at least willing to act that way at the lack of journalistic ethics, or something?
I’ve been watching more Olympics this time around than every previous Olympics combined, and I haven’t seen her. They need to put her front and center at every event. Let her run screaming around the pool before they start, then move her over to fencing so she can scream some more and maybe make Princess Bride jokes,…
You make me feel so blue. Grey. White? I don’t know.
I get the basic idea that more floors is better, and I’ve heard of buildings skipping numbers, but this seems ridiculous.
This one presumably doesn't need cheesy special effects, so that'll help keep the costs down. Unless the stars take big pay cuts, though, I don't see them bringing it in at $70 million. Unless the film is nothing but the script read, and even then they'd have to skimp on the catering.
You sound like my wife. Check your pants privilege.
Having Lou Ferrigno on one team is bad enough, but they put Catherine Bach right in front of him to show off for? The other team never had a chance.
I have vague recollections that epee recreates “first blood” duels, which is why any hit anywhere counts. You’re actively avoiding trying to kill each other, just satisfy honor. Foil and saber recreate more dangerous duels, which is where the right of way rules come in. You can get away with stuff in fencing that…
Six years for killing your baby seems extreme?
25 days community service for punching a cop? Do I get to pick the cop?
I agree with those who say The Rock would take Diesel out in ten seconds at most. Diesel knows this, though. He’s smart. He didn’t play D&D all those years without learning a little about fighting dirty. Also courage, presumably. Possibly the planet Venus and Alex Trebek. I’m getting off track. What I’m saying is,…
My first reaction is to wonder/hope that Awkwafina is some weird ass typo. Am I to understand that someone, somewhere, chooses to be called that?
I remember years ago Dave Barry made some disparaging remarks about synchronized swimming in a column. The US team invited him and another reporter to a practice and put them through their paces. The only part I remember verbatim is the end of the column. He and his colleague announced loudly that synchronized…
I find no reason to disagree with this theory, but it does mean Kurt’s acting success is mostly due to a tiny Chinese guy doing all the work. I'm sure Kurt does his part, though. It's all in the reflexes.
Came here just for this. Bless you, my friend. You do God’s work.
Seeing Mario Lopez play with his kid makes me hate him a tiny bit less, and I do not like that. That is not the person I want to be.
Now I have to watch Old School again.
That's what I got from it, too. The attacker was sticking up for Zimmerman, which is insane. If you think about it, though, it's the best of both worlds. Zimmerman got punched, and we don't have to care about whatever happens to the idiot who punched him. It's a victimless crime.
I think I’m officially old. I remember when seeing a picture of Alyssa Milano’s breast was a completely different thing.