Jeahhhh? I always thought it was a simple “Shya!” However you spell or say it, did he ever manage to trademark it? That was the best evidence of his stupidity, as far as I was concerned.
Jeahhhh? I always thought it was a simple “Shya!” However you spell or say it, did he ever manage to trademark it? That was the best evidence of his stupidity, as far as I was concerned.
Also also also, a K. Dammit.
“Every male was either a moron, or a scumbag.”
I don’t understand how this isn’t entirely her own fault. I mean obviously it is, but in the narrative we’re supposed to accept. Is she saying the people who were fired forced her to say those things? Did she have a gun to her head? You’d think the camera operators and the live studio audience would’ve noticed some…
I was all set to mock, but to be honest ten foot high waves and the winds required to create them are some nasty shit. I’m not surprised the ramp didn’t hold up.
I don’t know why, but this just cracks me up. I feel like someone was going down a check-list to make sure everything was wrong that could possibly be wrong, and realized they’d forgotten something.
I live in the neighborhood, so I'll pay them $20 for the privilege. $50 if my judgeship is a 24 hour a day thing and I can declare people who block the aisle with their shopping carts to be in contempt of court.
To be fair, Batman’s girlfriends might not get killed. They might just be shot and paralyzed, or use their powers to heal his paralyzation and thus destroy their own mind and require institutionalization so he can get on with his life. There’s all sorts of options!
The wife and I saw it this afternoon and enjoyed it quite a bit. The ghosts were a bit cartoony for my taste, but that was my only complaint. It was funny throughout and genuinely spooky at times, just like the original. The final action scene might’ve been over the top, but I like over the top and I thought it was…
I hate you. I hate you because I laughed.
My first reaction was to think that only a pussy gives in to peer pressure that labels them a pussy. I know I’m wrong to think that way.
A hot dog is not a sandwich. I have absolutely no logical evidence to back up my argument, and I’m more than a bit ashamed of how upset the very idea makes me, but I will fight you on this until I breathe my last, and I shall die secure in the knowledge that I was on the side of all that is good and right.
My wife just told me there are three of the damned things in our house. This is freaking me out.
My dog would love any excuse I can come up with to take her on walks into areas she’s never peed on before, so this game seems like it’d be a good idea for me. But I live in a very small town. How does it all work, are there likely to be enough Pokemon lurking about to make it worthwhile for me? Lucy’ll be fine either…
Hey, man, they have Italian restaurants in Spain.
Thank you for posting this so I didn’t have to.
It never occurred to me before, but what do you think would happen if Obama put on a really obvious fake mustache and started an independent run for the presidency under an equally fake name? I bet he’d win in a landslide. Even most republicans would think for all of a second before deciding “Yeah, I can live with…
Given how good she looks nekkid, as far as I’m concerned she can say anything she damn well pleases.
So it was the actual Stig who those school children saw in the cross-London race? That makes me happy.
I’m still annoyed at the overuse of the “Nancy Kerrigan’s mother is legally blind” factoid from the ‘94 Olympics. Does that count?