
D.C. isn’t the problem (and honestly, most of the jackoffs don’t actually live here). Please don’t nuke us. More DC residents voted for Clinton than the entire number of people who voted in Wyoming.

I’ve seen a lot of how I, a west coast liberal, continue to look down on “middle-America” and Trump voters. They’re 100% correct. I do look down on them, because they’re morons. “I voted for this dude because he said he wouldn’t ‘fill in the blank’ but now he is and I’m sad” 

There are a bunch of his voters that look his election as “payback for the last 8 years” that don’t have any shame at all. I was mainly talking about the people “shocked” about how Trump going to do what he said he was going to do.

I thought the long tie was Trump trying to compensate for something.

Right. I sort of don’t like casting Trump supporters as naive. You had to be willfully ignorant to not get the agenda Trump and Co. were pushing. You had to cling to your stupidity with tenacity, basically putting your hands over your ears and screaming “nah nah nah, I can’t hear you” while the rest of us desperately

I think it’s truly unfortunate that people cannot effectively vote for what they want, by which I mean that you actually get what you vote for. If you voted for HRC and her agenda, you get that, and if you voted for Trump, you get that agenda. One can only imagine the rage that would ensue when the latter became

And, again, screaming at Ivanka Trump helps stop those things how?

Seriously Trump’s press people are opening champagne right now. It doesn’t matter how awful Trump or his ilk are, this shit is counterproductive and a bad fucking idea.

I feel like there is a lot of gray area between being polite and throwing a tantrum that gets you kicked off a plane.

This is the hill he choose to die on?

going high hasn’t worked for us since what - 2000? i am sick of it. i am sick of us having to be the reasonable, rational ones. fuck all of that. they go low and they win. they go low and they obstruct a president for an entire 8 years. it is time to go low.

I don’t feel sorry for her, but in my opinion it’s counterproductive for liberals to do this kind of thing. I wrote this up above, but I think things like this only reinforce Trump’s message of victimization. In his narrative, he paints himself and his followers as the victims of the liberal elite, who demand

I have the two contradictory opinions that the dude was an asshole and deserved being kicked off, and that Ivanka and her family deserves the harrassment and I hope they spend the rest of their lives being publicly harrassed.

I don’t feel bad for Ivanka. Not at all. I am embarrassed this guy threw a temper tantrum though.

Seriously. This situation called for a well placed crop dusting and nothing more.

What a fat fuck. No wonder Melania wants to stay in NYC. The election is working out great for her.

Ugh...I hope Melania is looking forward to a lifetime of “girl-on-top”,cause...nah.

I know what French is and Greek but what’s Italian?

He swinga di golf club, fantastico health, beepy di boopy di babay di!

He also doesn’t sleep and probably has a history abusing amphetamines. Is it wrong to hope he dies before the inauguration?