Pete BC

Numbers one through four are all going to be character names in the next Star Wars anthology movie; all members of Lando’s crew. Steel will die in the first act to give the rest of them something to fight for.

The North Koreans can’t feed themselves but they’re Twitter trolling game is top notch:

It’s like he’s got a saddle draped across his face. And no way that old coot could co-pilot the Mellennium Falcon.

This does explain how he had the wrong spelling of his own name on Trump’s preliminary health report.

He looks like the wax museum rendition of Vince McMahon.

He’s both but can’t possibly understand that he’s both because he can only think in binary terms; something is either the best or the worst, biggest winner, biggest loser. He’s incapable of complex thought and when he says this sort of thing and he’s called on it he’s enraged because he actually thinks he’s being

The trio all appear to be at second two or three of a blank teleprompter; the moment just before they have to start thinking about ad libbing and not knowing what the hell to say.

Something tells me Trump is probably pissed that a nobody had to pay ten times as much to silence his mistress...

In the years since the trial, OJ Simpson became a notable collector of sports memorabilia, author of a bestselling book and even the subject of a critically acclaimed mini-series. Nicole Brown Simpson, alas is still dead. Is it time we re-visit OJ’s legacy?

Paul Nehlen is an unapologetic anti-Semite white nationalist. He’s much more extreme than Trump. But Trump would call him a ‘fine person’ no doubt.

Now playing

Unfortunately Aldon Smith’s answer might be the same. This guy’s rock bottom might be a really dark place. I hope it doesn’t get there.

That looked as much as premature ejaculation as it did an
ice cream cone catch. Gotta be magnets, always with the magnets.

Maybe he’ll have a stroke. Fingers crossed.

Stay classy Milwaukee!

Privilege doesn’t apply if the lawyer involved is a part of the ongoing criminal conspiracy, Ergo Muller regards Cohen neck deep in it. I’m guessing this the ‘establishing a pattern of behaviour’ on the part of the person being targeted by the investigation. Nothing we know so far would justify Cohen giving Ms.

I wonder what colour of the sky is in ‘major league scout’ world is?

There really should a trigger warning as to the number of gigs of Trump; I could not scroll fast enough. I just had my fill of his idiotic grinning face to last me all of my lifetimes. Yuck.

He’s the Dwight Schrute of political nick names. There isn’t a single nickname Trump has come up wth that could be described as clever.

This shit won’t happen. Largely because he’s a cowardly shit who talks shit but doesn’t do shit. Remember the fire and fury shit? The investigate Hillary shit? The wall shit? He’s a shitsunami who doesn’t know shit.

More like 60%.