Pete BC

Also Trump doesn’t have a expression that isn’t stupid. So wondering where the joke is. Well we all know, but that one is pretty obvious.

I was wondering about him; peak zen or the edibles just kicked in.

That should be Katz will pay 148 million. In rent. Over the next 35 years. The annual rent equals an amount less than the gate receipts for ONE game. The out of pocket expenses for the Oilers on the arena is 20 million up front. The remaining costs will be borne by taxpayers through the city, the city owned Edmonton

Yes, but a inflatable life raft isn’t a parachute. The raft in the movie simply doesn’t have enough surface area to slow down the weight of three people; the raft in the ‘busted’ mythbusters was three times the size of the one in the movie, was inverted ( top down provides a lot more wind resistance) and had the

The nuked fridge was definitely stupid but the raft thing, mythbusters notwithstanding, is wildly (even within the Indy universe) implausible.

This should get all the stars.

Kate Capshaw ruined that movie. She’s a literal embodiment of a shrieking harridan. It’s a wonder why Indy didn’t throw her to the alligators. The set pieces mostly worked, but I don’t know how anyone thinks inflatable raft parachute is any more plausible than the nuked fridge.

The whole exercise is pointless. The press secretary’s job is to deny, obfuscate and when that doesn’t work just lie. The latter is the choice of this white house. But the reporters could at least try. Virtually every question has a lame and pointless lead up, combined with two-part question that, always, always allow

I like water idea; I never see it in western Canada. The card back is nice, but I only pay cash and when I run out, it’s time to go home.

I don’t see Pete Carrol.

That is the rub; Famous and accomplished person overcomes depression, achieves greatness. If they can... but I’m so freaking lame. But you do the laundry and things feel better. Only one or two percent better certainly, but better.

If true it’s thats a pretty shitty thing to do, but if you’re hiring a paraplegic security guard for physical security you’ve pretty much given up on the whole ‘security’ concept. Put the guy on the camera monitor detail maybe?

Provided, of course, you’re wearing an onion on your belt.

That won’t end the controversy; with hi-def and 4K tv there’s nothing stopping anyone (or everyone) from doing a super slow-mo and posting online. The kvetching, bitching and whining will only start a minute or two later.

It’s pretty f*cked up that Wal-Mart is doing more that the US government after Maria. All the while cheetosphincter gets into a Twitter mixup with the mayor of San Juan. It’s not a small chore just to contain my rage over that a-hole.

The only source for that is inside his head. Or what his bobyshka told him to say.

Cats are considered the soul of Istanbul. There are hundreds of thousands of sort of strays; fed by the locals. Here’s Paulie making sure the shopkeepers on his block keep up the supply of meow mix:

America! Hawk Yeah! I still like the catfish eating the pidgeon on Planet Earth II though.

The visits are distinctly unwelcome, but I know they are (so far) never permanent. I hope I helped.

From one who gets visits from the black dog for my whole life I offer three ways to cope: Go to a park, just a walk in the greenery can help. Read a book; the length of the narrative distracts from the constant rumination. Clean the house, again it’s distracting and it provides the affirmation of achievement; it