Pete BC

But it’s only there to show: he’s in way over his head, and he’s an idiot who only gets half the point. 

Even the Mercedes Sprinter? I covet those things everytime I go camping. 

I loved it too, and his time as the cat didn’t bother me as it let him be an observer of his own life and when he was back in his own body he realized he’d been looking past the things that actually gave him fulfilment. I can’t help but think that casting say, Wanda Sykes (who can do the cynical grouch as well as

Charade is one of my favorites and one of the few where I was genuinely surprised at the ending. 

You would enjoy her in Fargo Season 2. She’s fantastic as the matriarch of Fargo’s (and implied the whole upper midwest) biggest crime family. She owns every scene she’s in in that tool 

That’s crazy! He didn’t even flinch! That’s god-like level of concentration.

This. Totally. Sucks. I really hope it’s not serious, but the ‘pop it back in place’ ranks up there with ‘only 3.6 roentgen’. 

That move seems ready made for a meme we’ll soon be seeing as often as the blinking white guy.

Explaining the defence extemporaneously with that level of detail after the fact says to me he’s got a football mind suited to be a head coach. Tv gig would be easier money though. I just hope he stays healthy and gets to play for a while yet. 

Jet fuel melting steel face. 

Tomorrow. Or tonight. Or right now. Yes. Right now works. 

Might be a combination of both; he saw Lockett moving to the corner, but after his view was obstructed (there was two DB’s in front of Lockett) figured he was moving in that direction anyway and chucked it up to see what would happen. Lockett then made an incredible catch. Another red zone throw might have worked out

You know for sure after that photo was taken he circled the ‘health insurance’ and wrote: ‘there’s your tip!!!’ 

Giving a rookie coach a guaranteed contract doesn’t inspire confidence in their ability to convert those draft picks and cap space into actual talent. And it doesn’t take smarts or effort to intentionally lose. This whole exercise may be for naught. 

Thank you! But the salient and mind boggling point is: ‘while giving Bortles a big contract’.

Yep and by virtue of that (it really was the Giants defence though) they stuck with him through eight years of grinding mediocrity and futility. As a Patriots fan I hope they stick with him for a few more years and then a piano drops on his head. 

On that last Hopkins reception  Nuc intentionally switched control to his left hand, while he was falling through the catch as the defender was trying to punch it out. Incredible! The game was amazing but unless the Texas figure out some sort of protection for Watson, he’s gonna be on IR before the seasons end. It’s a

But he can a guest in Krafts booth. And he will be. So he has his happy ending.

I’d prefer he be rendered an invalid with profound aphasia; he could understand everything around him but utterly unable to respond. Inert and powerless for the remainder of his life. It would be poetic. 

Allan is an entitled douche-bag but pharma bro is has the most punchable face times infinity.