Pete BC

He should sue, and get a check from the Czechs for checking.

“If Jon Gruden’s IQ were one point less, he’d be a plant.”

This is... statistically bogus. Actually just bogus. Trump is the worst person on the planet right now but 43 voters is not a large enough sample. Thats not even a single team roster. Also given the NFL is 70% black the white men number is around 12 people. Also straw poll. Also no sampling error. I could go on but

It was a spectacular catch, that’s all the reason you need to feature it. Nonetheless, Merry Christmas ya filthy animal!

I know how I would: not well.

I thing Flowers had his his hands on his he’d from what he heard, not what he saw. Aaaaand I shuddered just writing that.

The one and only time you want to see a booty pick.

His coda just before Miami kicked the winning field goal in the ‘Leon Lett’ Thanksgiving game: “it’s a tough night to digest much less masticate that turkey”

Stuff like this is why I love deadspin commenters. Sharon’s wig is groovy; what all the sixties hip Vulcan chicks were wearing. Dick is a total square, but that was a big part of his appeal. It was just earnest no-bullshit before no-bullshit was a thing. It sounded to me that he was always smiling while he spoke.

You’re both right; Heisenberg authored the principal:you can only know either the position or direction of a particle, not both. The dead un-dead kitty was a thought experiment regarding decay rate of a material (can’t remember what) that would release a cyaniade capsule. Since you can only know one aspect you

Except Mos Isley you could meet charming rogues like Han Solo; the casino, people like the Kardashians or Peter Thiel. The latter, in addition to being child slavers, they really are the worst sort of people.  

Nah, and I say this as a Pats fan, he’s still an asshole. But he doesn’t have any tolerance for bullshit.

I like happy styling Cam. Pouty Cam not so much, but dude has charisma and is ridiculously good looking.

I thought the dialogue in TLJ was fine; the only truly awful one was the ‘chrome dome’ comment. That one was so bad that it must have got a pause and a ‘really?!’ at every share, edit, reading, rehearsal and take.

It was definitely a shitshow from the snap, but even if everyone was on the same page and each player nailed their role, it still comes down to throwing low into triple coverage. Which is always the bad option. Also leaving Gronk uncovered for three straight plays... what the hell was that? Teams want to beat the


Of course he did. When Ren was on the island he actually demonstrated the ‘i can do this with a wave of my hand’ and engineered a circumstance where he couldn’t actually wave his hand. Hamill made me believe and invest the ‘i’m done with this shit’ and ‘I have to go back’ trope.

Don’t fret: Force Ghost.

The ship cut in half thing? Been a long time since I’ve heard a collective gasp from the audience. Yes, this one did rule. The callbacks did actually include a line that was so corny and terrible that it must have been intentionally bad. Only issue I’ve got was one thats beyond the film makers control: the fate of

If you’re down by 14 in the fourth, who you want as your QB? Brady, Rogers or Wilson? I’m a Pats fan and obviously my choice is Brady. But i’m conflicted. Seattle with Stafford for the past three years? Seriously doubt if they would have a winning record let along the play offs. I’m thinking Benoit is trolling. Or