Pete BC

I thought the dialogue in TLJ was fine; the only truly awful one was the ‘chrome dome’ comment. That one was so bad that it must have got a pause and a ‘really?!’ at every share, edit, reading, rehearsal and take.

It was definitely a shitshow from the snap, but even if everyone was on the same page and each player nailed their role, it still comes down to throwing low into triple coverage. Which is always the bad option. Also leaving Gronk uncovered for three straight plays... what the hell was that? Teams want to beat the


Of course he did. When Ren was on the island he actually demonstrated the ‘i can do this with a wave of my hand’ and engineered a circumstance where he couldn’t actually wave his hand. Hamill made me believe and invest the ‘i’m done with this shit’ and ‘I have to go back’ trope.

Don’t fret: Force Ghost.

The ship cut in half thing? Been a long time since I’ve heard a collective gasp from the audience. Yes, this one did rule. The callbacks did actually include a line that was so corny and terrible that it must have been intentionally bad. Only issue I’ve got was one thats beyond the film makers control: the fate of

If you’re down by 14 in the fourth, who you want as your QB? Brady, Rogers or Wilson? I’m a Pats fan and obviously my choice is Brady. But i’m conflicted. Seattle with Stafford for the past three years? Seriously doubt if they would have a winning record let along the play offs. I’m thinking Benoit is trolling. Or

And avacado.... whatever.

That’s a bit harsh. Someone from vancouver kill your dog?

For all the folks saying it was a pretty small margin of victory; Sessions won 97% of the vote in 2014. This really is a big deal. Trump, despite what he’s likely to say in the coming days, went all in on Moore. This result at a minimum will make republicans in congress less afraid of their lunatic base. That changes

What’s wrong with commas now? Bet dude would go apeshit over a semicolon.

When his father quotes psalm 23:4 (walk through the valley in the shadow...) you know things are bad. I hope he walks again and the Steelers pay him until he doesn’t, but this being the NFL the former is more likely than the latter.

Not as pretty either.

Rogue Gums.

They’ll still have to say thank you repeatedly every time they see him and his rogue teeth.

I’m really hoping Smith plays lights out for the remaining of the season, the Giants pass on QB’s in next years draft, then next year Geno reverts to mean and the G-men continue to stink for the next few years. But then I’m a petty Pats fan. That said, even if none of this comes to pass, Eli’s career with NY is likely

Notwithstanding the outstanding puns and wisecracks I’ve come to treasure from Deadspin comments... Who the f*ck proudly tells and provides the confident ‘true story’ testimonial to a tale like that? Excluding the drunken tall tales told by single people at the end of a wedding reception.

Perhaps just a tiny wafer...

If those strippers didn’t break his hip (no way he’s got the energy to go for very long on top) than a punch sure wont. Better to just let him spend a ton of money on lawyers getting nowhere.

Who’s probably going to get another Super Bowl ring. So there’s that.