Pete BC

Well thats a heads up play.

This game has everything I hate and love about the NFL. That amazing play that only Russell Wilson (maybe Deshawn Watson) can pull out of his ass, then how he obviously pretended to have had a concussion exam that he was ordered to, by a designated impartial observer who’s very very familiar to what a partial

Come back to New England Marty! The ‘undisclosed condition’ seems a little fishy. What’s the point of a physical if the team can claim that later? Maybe Bennett told em her came to win with Aaron Rogers and not get beat up for 16 games and a 6-10 record? I’m guessing this is only the first of many ‘locker room

Speaking of Brian Singer.... just a matter of time for that shoe to drop.

Only Nixon could go to China....

I don’t know who this guy is. Thats pretty much all I need to know.

Sounds like a molasses kiss. As plastic as the witch/black cat covered wrapping. Here in Canada they are regarded as the worst candy ever, but because they are cheap and you can throw a giant handful of bits into the kids bag and not look cheap. Or at least think you’re not. So way too many people give that shit away.

Most of the time I find people being pedantic on the internet annoying; but this... deserves kudos. Well done. Also I learned something today.

They should really challenge that one Jim, it looks to me that knee didn’t reach the imaginary ‘high stepping’ line; more subtle joy than show off, but it’s a close call. Little more dance than the prance you expect to get penalized for.

Well except for Rick, pickles aren’t alive.

Turns out the ‘he came outta nowhere’ excuse was true all along.

Yep. This is example 5,642 of the orange idiot not getting what he wants because the dumb mofo can’t shut the f*ck up. Naturally he’s going to call this a victory and the Trumpnits will hoot, holler and fire their guns in the air with approval.

He got a free bowl of soup for buying that hat.

Turns out Anchorman was a documentary.

Absolutely. Worst call I’ve ever seen. Pats fan here too. Jets were robbed.

He looks like a blanched dog turd just poking through the melting spring snow.