
Same stupid and irresponsible person, no gun, everyone goes home from Walmart happy.

This is the NRA's new marketing ploy: women need guns to protect themselves from abusive men. As someone who has worked with women in abusive relationships I can promise you, the reality is that if she has a gun he is much more likely to take it away from her and use it against her than she is likely to be able to

The Aurora shooting is your best argument? The shooter was wearing bullet resistant body armor and shooting in a dark and crowded theater. It being Colorado, I suspect there was at the least one person in that theater with a firearm. But thank God that person was responsible enough to realize that if he started

Yes, here we are once again with the totally not-equivalent "people drive cars irresponsibly, too" equivalency. Let's repeat:

This may be my biggest smile all Christmas!

Clearly you missed the earlier story about the Boston chick who is looking for six more corgis (no ideas what the final count may be) for her bridesmaids to CARRY:

Don't know where you are coming from, but I practice in the NDGA and have known Sallie for years. She is an amazing lawyer: smart, professional, no nonsense and very very well respected. She has always been committed to what I consider Democratic values like voting rights, equal treatment before the law, fairness,

Clearly hit a nerve with that one. No offense intended. My apologies.

Actually, no. I still pretty comfortable with what I wrote here.

The homecoming queen of my high school now cleans my mother's teeth. My experience is that most of those who peak at that age, when social success is based primarily on how "normal" (i.e. average) you are, end up boring semi-failures updating their profiles.

But what's with the prehistoric scary lizard thing at the end?

They have a lot more in common than you thnk. Each is desperate for attention in his own way. They have just chosen to divide and conquer. Kirk figured out he would never make it as a movie star (like the 3rd brother, Leonardo DiCaprio)so he's going for the angry, paranoid Christian market. I'm not sure what Robin

Thank you for this. It was excellent. I saved your second paragraph because I may like to quote it sometime. It is exactly what I have been trying to say but I'm too lazy to hunt down the statistics and you set it out much more cogently than I have. There are several people I am going to send this to because I

Actually, I find all the snark provides a very valuable public service. These over the top events keep getting bigger. Every time one massive stunt or "look at us, we are soooo creative" wedding video goes viral(exactly the right term in this instance) another 5000 desperate attention seekers start planning their

I find it interesting that he did it in English. I am assuming that she is also Japanese. My guess is the choice of English is not for her, even if she is fluent, but for the broader audience.

Thank you for reminding me of this! It's reassuring to know that there will be Republican crap that is as bad or worse.

He can't keep the beat for the stomp, stomp, clap thing. Do you think that's intentional? Sort of so the "white people have no rhythm" types don't feel threatened?

There's been a Trappist monastery in Conyers, GA for ages. No beer, though, fruitcake and fudge.

Sometimes I think the Anthropologie catalog is performance art. Somewhere right now, some intern is glancing around her office looking for some random item she can attach a ridiculous price tag to, just to see if anyone will bite.

I hate, hate, hate that this is a thing now. It seems as though every time there is a story about a rape, someone will immediately chime in to speculate that the allegation is fabricated (usually followed by handwringing on behalf of the accused rapist). This case, Bill Cosby (20 women, all liars!), George Will