The way the chick in the back's head is bouncing to the rhythm. ..this is the best ever!
The way the chick in the back's head is bouncing to the rhythm. ..this is the best ever!
Thank you! The best part of my day was this memory.
Curly blond hair (think Shirley Temple). Childhood spent in Japan. I was one of 2 white children in my kindergarten class. There is a photograph of me taken by my father in a department store in Tokyo where a crowd has gathered me, every one reaching out to touch my hair. Everywhere I went strangers grabbed my hair…
It wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if her entrance had not been as pretentious as hell.
I loved that she nailed every note in a bravura performance and then had the class to look humbled when they gave her a standing ovation. And she got the approval of Julie Andrews.
I am devastated. After every election that Republicans win, I think I'll move to Canada, the paradise of national health care and good manners to the north. But now, learning this, I can't ....I just can't.
I'm always interested in seeing if someone held down a job while in school. I'm interviewing young lawyers, so if there is an applicant who managed to do well in law school while working part time, that's something that really impresses me. It shows diligence, time management skills, and ambition. Always a good…
As someone who has interviewed lots of applicants, sometimes ten a day during hiring season, I love seeing a short mention of hobbies, or frankly anything that distinguishes one applicant from the other nine I speak to that day. It gives me something to ask the applicant about in the interview and a hook to remember…
She can't copyright "Princeton Mom" but she can tell people that she went to Princeton. As much as they wish she wouldn't.
Agnes Scott '84 and Emory '89 and on behalf of my husband, Duke '83 and Emory '86, we concur, bless her heart.
You are completely wasting your talents here in the Jezebel comments. Stop this. Go immediately to Hollywood and start making this movie, and any others that are percolating in your fevered brain. You are a true storyteller. I want this movie in the theaters by 2016.
She's not serious. Even she knows that she's down to like 100,000 rabid supporters and everyone else, especially the Republicans who used to love her, wishes she would just go away. She also has no interest putting in the hard work necessary to really run for president.
You asked for an explanation and you got a nice, clear, accurate one. It's not an insult to be told that you have confused separate issues, unless you are super hypersensitive.
Mike Huckabee used to be almost likeable. 2 or 3 presidential campaigns ago he would go on the Daily Show and, yeah he was super conservative, but he had a sense of humor and didn't seem all judgy.
Maybe it's because, unlike where I live, Democrats have an actual shot of winning and so the smart, good ones are willing to run.
I can not imagine what it is like to grow up female in a culture that is willing to literally erase women from sight.
All Jews everywhere should immediately issue a statement decrying this in the strongest language possible!
Also means that is two different male cheerleaders running to her rescue. Heroes both.
I'm imagining the pitch from the ad agency being like Don Draper's Kodak pitch. Not a dry eye in the conference room.
Funny story (I recognize that this is cross-dressing and not transgender but it's Saks so it reminded me): years and years ago I worked in handbags at Saks. I was friends with the manager of the ladies shoe department next door, big strapping guy, maybe 6'4". When he ordered in for his department he always made…