Despite the fact that Phil is - as a PhD holder - technically a doctor, can we all agree to stop fucking referring to this piece of shit as Dr. Phil? I know, I know - Accuracy, and all that.
The girl was being stalked and it probably made her feel very uncomfortable. If little mister gets his feelers hurt from being stalked by kids who refuse to listen to him tell them to go away I would call that both a college level life lesson and karma. My sympathy is with the girl.
Lego is so dumb for rejecting this. Every female lawyer in the country (including me) would order a set to display in her office. They'd make a fortune.
My birthday is a few days before Christmas, and Barbie came out the year I was four. My father was sick that year and in and out of the hospital, and my mom was working nights in a restaurant to support us.
I actually did point out that it can be used in a genuine manner! If people in the Midwest think it only means one thing, well, they've got their own ideas about things out there.
GAWD, thanks for this. I'm SO TIRED of hearing people, ever since this became "a thing" deploy a dear colloquial phase and say, "That's the southern way to say 'fuck you!'"
In the Northwest, we'll passive-aggressively imply that someone is an idiot and then never move on. Never.
oh, yeah, it's totally fine to get rid of two living, breathing, bonded siblings, ages three and six years old, but it's not OK to have an abortion.
Yeah... dudes, it works like that... If you abandon your kids, you SHOULD worry about abandonment charges. You're supposed to be afraid of witch-hunts when you're a witch.
This was my exact thought. If you think what you are doing is going to cause DHS to file charges, maybe you should realize what you are doing is supremely fucked up.
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Random straight, warm liquor in an overflowing glass, garnished with tears, is pretty much a standard weekend night for me soooooo...
Mayo is the devil's condiment.
Tell Nev that you won't punch him if he punches Adam. Nev sucks, he will definitely punch somebody else to save his own face.
You should listen to What Happened at Dos Erres or read Finding Oscar—it's the same story in different media, about a Guatemalan boy who was unknowingly raised by the soldier who slaughtered his entire village. It is, as you can imagine, heartbreaking.
Unfortunately the Kardashians don't scurry under the refrigerator when someone shines a light on them. They just turn and pose indefinitely.
It's not wrong and I didn't mean to imply that it was. Other-ing is wrong. That's what we experience on a regular basis. If you've felt that as well, I don't discount that experience at all.
I'm gonna go ahead and give you that: "You're a total stranger and that's creepy".