
"Noxon admitted that the show has a diversity problem that she wants to address, although she didn't say when or how."

Before the end of the day she will be hailed as a victim by Fox News, Sarah Palin, etc. And we will hear that her First Amendment Rights have been trampled. Because to these people the First Amendment says that you can say whatever hateful, bigoted thing you want and no one is ever allowed to criticize you.

I can't believe it took her hours of prayer it figure out she was way out of line. Seems to me it was pretty obvious to most people right away.

That actually sounds great to me. I have often thought that the best gift anyone could give me is a weekend all by myself in a nice hotel. Can't figure out a tactful way to ask for it, "Honey, what I would really love is a luxurious weekend somewhere wonderful, alone."

Exactly. The women writers that I have heard claiming that they are not taken seriously simply because they are women (Picoult and Weiner) are writers that are not taken seriously because they are not very good. I would not be surprised to hear about sexism in publishing but I would be much more interested in

The thing about Barbie not looking like a real woman? See, I didn't get that as a kid. Barbie looked just like my mom to me, despite what as an adult I see are the obvious differences. Her breasts looked like breasts, her legs looked like legs. I pretty much assumed I would look like that as a grown up.

I genuinely have no idea. Like all true miracles, it is a mystery.

I'm out of the grays!! It's a Thanksgiving miracle!

My husband is also an introvert. We are your nightmare social friends who regularly back out of parties because one or both of us just can't bear the thought of having to actually, you know, talk to people. We are pathetic. My poor youngest son, who is veery outgoing, complained when he was two and no one would

I'm fascinated by the travails of the extroverts! As an introvert, I find the most stressful thing about the holidays is all the people. I just desperately need some alone time. It had not occurred to me that somewhere out there some extrovert is all alone, looking for someone to talk to?

That would be just great, if she was complaining that she is not properly valued as a writer of popular fiction. Which, if course she is. She makes a fortune. Ignoring the Nicholas Sparks snark (which sounds personal) she is complaining that she does not get the respect accorded to writers of literary fiction,

And, as a feminist, I hate the image "chick lit" is conveying of women: insecure, shopping obsessed, desperate to find a man to make them complete.

As a feminist, I'm not going to defend a writer that I don't think is any good, just because she is a woman. As a feminist, I would like to see women writers valued by the quality of their work.

Because her complaint is that her books do not get the kind of critical praise that they deserve only because she is a woman and is a victim of sexism. I think the commentators are pointing out that her books don't get the critical acclaim that she thinks she deserves because they are crap.

See,I think Kate Atkinson gets lots of love for her literary novels like Life After Life and Behind the Scenes at the Museum ( which are both wonderful) and I have seen critics comment on how masterfully she moves from her mysteries to literary fiction and back. Jodi Picoult is not in her league.

I don't think I've ever heard a serious critic dismiss Jane Austen, she's regarded as one of the best writers of the English novel, ever. No one would dismiss her books as romance novels either. Too many commenters here seem to think that the definition of a romance novel is that there is some romance in it. Jane

I loved it. My husband hated it. At least some credit to Donna Tartt: I listed five women authors and it's her book that inspired the strong response.

I have read several (the only title I can remember is My Sister's Keeper, the rest are just a blur) and I can not recommend a single one. The most telling description is "23 novels in 22 years". They all have a ripped from the headlines, pounded out on a word processor in six weeks, feel to them. They are not

What's saddest is that she didn't grow up at all.

Thank you for that!